Although things are a little more relaxed up here we all need to do the right thing and practice social distancing and hand hygiene.
I have attached a number of articles about hydrogen, energy efficiency, renewables and moving investments away from coal.
There are seven articles there and I have probably overwhelmed you with all these articles. But then, you have some extra time to read them as there is a three week break between this Friday and the first Friday in August.
Zoom session: Last time we only had a very small group taking part in the Zoom meeting but we had a lot of very good discussion.
I hope we might have a few more join us this Friday 17 July at 10am. The link to the meeting follows.
Join Zoom Meeting
John Lloyd
By Cameron Slessor July 10, 2020
Hydrogen power moves step closer
Peter Hannam The Age July 3, 2020
Chief scientist joins calls for Australia to dramatically boost energy efficiency
Adam Morton Environment editor The Guardian 21 Jun 2020
Australia has failed miserably on energy efficiency – and government figures hide the truth The Conversation June 23, 2020
Hugh Saddler, Honorary Associate Professor, Centre for Climate Economics and Policy, ANU
Renewable energy zone for New England to challenge output of coal-fired power stations
ABC News ABC New England 10 July 2020
Renewables-dominated South Australia delivering cheaper power than Vic, NSW
Sophie Vorrath ReNew Economy 13 July 2020
Top super fund dumps coal miners as emissions cuts intensify
By Nick Toscano The Age & The Sydney Morning Herald July 9, 2020