John Lane
The sustainability group had an outing to Susan and Sandy Campbell's property on the Shepparton Rd for our first session of April. They have a large worm farm which produces fertiliser for their farm. It was amazing that an apparently simple system, with the irrigation powered by solar, can replace 'industrial' fertiliser. Inputs are horse manure from the nearby equestrian centre and chicken farm waste; just add water and worms. We all came away with a sample to try out. Photographs - David Palmer At our second April session we looked at a report from an Australian research group called the Scanlon Foundation who has been reporting on social cohesion since 2007. There were two key elements to this work, the first being related to financial pressures and the second to trust in government and institutions. Needless to say the findings were a mixed bag but I took away an important finding that our community is quite resilient in response to difficulties. You can have a look at the findings here.
John Lane There was a lot to read and talk about in March, with member contributions playing a key role. Fe raised the issue of the harmful effects of fast fashion, much of which is made from plastics, and toxic textile dyes, particularly textile dye water pollution, on the environment. Fe’s resources included the ‘Plastic Soup’ website’s ‘Plastic Fashion’. Also on the theme of waste, Bev brought along the latest edition of the ‘Businesses and Organisations offering Recycling Deposit Points’ flier produced by the BSFG WasteWise Benalla team, the team offering a range of recycling options to us in the servery area of the kitchen. Here’s a photograph of the latest ‘gathering point’ they’ve created to help us all to recycle thoughtfully! Note: Article links from John for our first session in March included ABC news 21 Feb 24 – Staggering rise in roof-top solar capacity predicted Link The Conversation 28 Feb 24 – Conversion of former mines to pumped hydro schemes Link Bev Lee |
'Sustainability'Full sustainability is only achieved when our society achieves this in three spheres of our activity: Social, Economic and Environmental. Sustainability in each of these three spheres is far from being achieved. This has become the concern of governments and ordinary people world-wide and has resulted in many questions about the sustainability of our present lifestyle. Meeting Times1st and 3rd Friday
10 am to 12 midday U3A Meeting Room 1 Convenors and contact detailsJohn Lane
0474 936 460 Convenor 2008-2021John Lloyd
Local LinksRenewable Energy Benalla - website
Other LinksEconomists for Equity and the Environment
The Future Economy Population Matters-For A Sustainable Future Strathbogie Voices Seminars on Climate Change in Euroa (YouTube) Frank Dunin's paper 'Fire reduces water harvest from Melbourne's water supply catchments'. Frank Dunin's response 'Chemistry Lesson for Scott Morrison' Archives
December 2024