John Lane
The Sustainability Group had two free-flowing discussion sessions in June. These are where members raise issues that they would like to discuss or bring items/articles on topics to present. Both sessions covered a wide range of issues with much calling on 'Prof. Google' to explore information around these issues. Peter talked about a recent Environment Institute of ANZ he attended in Sydney where the accounting for nature issue was explored. We also looked at the various proposals for solar farms in the Benalla/Wangaratta area - there seems to be quite a few - some operating, some under construction, some at the planning stage and some abandoned. We listened to a couple of podcasts, including one about an American experiment to use kangaroo poo to change the microbiome of cow stomachs from a cow's usual methane producing microbiome (a very significant GHG) to a Roo's acid (vinegar) producing microbiome - still very much at the experimental stage though. We also learnt how Singapore manages its waste by creating new land. More to come in the second semester! John Lane
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'Sustainability'True sustainability is only achieved when our society achieves this in three spheres of our activity: Social, Economic and Environmental. Sustainability in each of these three spheres is far from being achieved. This has become the concern of governments and ordinary people world-wide and has resulted in many questions about the sustainability of our present lifestyle. Meeting Times1st and 3rd Friday
10 am to 12 midday U3A Meeting Room 1 Convenors and contact detailsJohn Lane
0474 936 460 Convenor 2008-2021John Lloyd
Local LinksRenewable Energy Benalla - website
Other LinksEconomists for Equity and the Environment
The Future Economy Population Matters-For A Sustainable Future Strathbogie Voices Seminars on Climate Change in Euroa (YouTube) Frank Dunin's paper 'Fire reduces water harvest from Melbourne's water supply catchments'. Frank Dunin's response 'Chemistry Lesson for Scott Morrison' Archives
September 2024