Our discussions often fit within Renewable Energy for Benalla’s three areas for action/investigation – Buildings and Energy Efficiency; Solar and Community Energy; and Utility Scale and Storage, with a particular interest in stories about community energy projects.
Good news stories this month included the development of ‘Eco-cement’ and Tesla’s solar roofing tiles. A particularly interesting article related to Australian company Bristile Roofing’s new solar tile and the partnership Bristile has formed with German battery storage giant and major Tesla rival, Sonnen, to supply solar powered energy story systems for homes using it.
Other articles included an article from Engineers Australia’s magazine called ‘Get Pumped’ on pumped hydro; an article critiquing carbon capture and storage technology; and an excellent extract in the ‘Good Weekend’ from Anna Krein’s Quarterly Essay ‘The Long Goodbye – Coal, Coral and Australia’s Climate Deadlock’.
Before the next newsletter, many of us will have attended the Benalla Sustainable Futures Group AGM and screening of Adani related film ‘Guarding the Galilee and attended the Swanpool Environmental Film Festival. Perhaps we will see you there?
Bev Lee