John is distributing articles beforehand - here are the articles (click on links) sent out for sessions in July if you haven't received them:
Up to 11,000 renewable energy jobs could be lost under Morrison government policies
Adam Morton Environment editor The Guardian 25th June, 2020
Social housing with zero running costs: Is this WA's boldest COVID-19 jobs plan?
Emma Young WAtoday June 24, 2020
Steggall calls for conscience vote on zero carbon bill to kickstart Covid recovery
Michael Mazengarb ReNew Economy 1 July 2020
The Green Recovery Australia could create hundreds of thousands of jobs by accelerating shift to zero emissions
The Guardian June 29,2020 Adam Morton Environment editor
World has six months to avert climate crisis, says energy expert
Fiona Harvey Environment correspondent The Guardian Thu 18 Jun 2020
For more information about the Zoom meetings - contact John Lloyd 5765 2476
[email protected]