NS 16 Sept – Prairie Power - Link
NS 7 Oct 23 – Can China Turn the world green? - Link
The Conversation 16 Oct 23 – A fair energy transition - Link
The Conversation 17 Oct 23 – Hammer-head shark aggregations off Perth - Link
The Conversation 17 Oct 23 – Cloud brightening to cool the sea (video below) - Link
"If you’ve got 24 minutes, I strongly recommend watching Andrew Forrest’s speech at the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference in Perth last week. Until the last seven minutes, it’s not so much what he says about global warming as the fact that Forrest is saying it, and he is clearly addressing himself to the leaders of the world’s most powerful governments, with whom he suggests he has good relations."...
While Forrest is extremely concerned about the future, he doesn’t think it is too late to avert a complete disaster. He is clear about the cause of the problem and what needs to happen:
- Global warming is caused by ‘business’: ‘It’s business that will kill your children. It’s business that is responsible for lethal humidity. But it’s policies which guide business. You must hold us to account’;
- Governments must:
- Match policy settings to risk immediately
- Develop policies to guide ‘business’
- Take down all barriers to green energy manufacturing
- Abolish fossil fuel subsidies.
Forrest has a very clear message for the governments of the world: ‘You must hold us to account. Business guided by government will either save or destroy this planet. Hold us to account. The power of you. Make us change. That’s all I’m asking you to do. Make us change.’