I love to receive my Newsletter and I know I have a hard ‘act to follow’ from how Judith Borthwick and more recently Freida Andrews and Terry Dillon have produced it in the past.
As with many things, a change of Editor can also be a time for changes to be made in the production of the Newsletter. The basic format of the Newsletter will not change.
Previously Convenors reports were due in the day after Meet and Mingle activity, which could be the 15th of the month to the 21st of the month. This was ideal when the reports were handwritten and were required to be typed up. However, in these days of computers that is not necessary.
I would like to receive the Convenors’ Reports on the 28th day of the month, which means that Convenors can give a full month’s report.
This will enable me to look at the reports and place them into the Newsletter in similar format, ready for forwarding to members in the first week of the month.
The Calendar for the upcoming month will also include the first week of the following month’s activities so that you will have up to date information.
We will give this change a try over the next two months and, if it works, look at adopting in the future.
Heather Wallace, Newsletter Editor