Chaim Shotsky, is a retired mailman in Brooklyn, an American Tevye who tells his life story to Kelly Burke from Iowa. His story includes interaction with a philosophical baker who is a Holocaust survivor with many secrets, his son and daughter, a matchmaker to end all matchmakers, movie star pigeons, and a host of Israelis. Chaim's story is a love song for life. It is full of innocence, tragedy, struggle, humour, humanity and ultimately triumph.
The play is set in a very small city park in Brooklyn. When Chaim meets Kelly, she is at first suspicious of his intentions. Gradually as he tells his story, she relaxes and she talks about her loneliness. They become friends. Kelly’s up tight persona changes, even reflected in the way she dresses, with her costume an important part of the play – it could even be considered an extra “character”. It certainly reflects her growing relaxation. Chaim also finds comfort in development of his relationship with his wife.
The play is predominantly about the two of them with the characters Chaim talks about appearing at the side of the stage or just voices from off stage. It takes place mainly over four consecutive days, with a short scene at the end of the play set three weeks later.
The group enjoyed the play, finding it a “feel good” story. With some of the characters, particularly Chaim, being Jewish, reflecting the correct accent was a challenge, with one member of the class doing a good job. We did change our “players” for the second act to give Chaim and Kelly a rest, and others an opportunity for a larger role.
Our play for August is 'The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie'. We did read it a few years ago, but have a few new members now and are looking forward to reading it again.
Joy Shirley