A love story unfolds through a series of letters between Helene Hanff, a freelance writer in New York, and Frank Doel a used book dealer at 84 Charing Cross Rd. in London.
Over two decades, they exchange gifts, recipes, ideas about books and current world events brought together by their mutual love of books, stories and words. Whilst never meeting in person, and being separated both geographically and culturally, they develop an enduring and charming relationship, encompassing friends, workmates and family members.
Through the dramatization of their letters, we are able to get a picture of the political, economic and social conditions of both countries as well as the two main characters as they develop over the twenty years of letter writing.
It was interesting to find that the play was based on real events and a real book shop.
An enjoyable read, we found ourselves so wanting Helene and Frank to meet. Spoiler alert! They never do!
in London on 24/12/17. Finally - a chance to use it!
Pat Treleavan