Genre: Romantic satire
Plot: Lucy Honeychurch, a young Englishwoman, is touring Italy with her older cousin. Lucy meets the charming and free-spirited George Emerson. Although intrigued by George, once she's back in England Lucy ponders settling down with the wealthy, staid Cecil Vyse. When George reappears in her life, Lucy must decide between him and Cecil.
Key Characters: Lucy Honeychurch (Helena Bonham Carter), Charlotte Bartlett (Maggie Smith), George Emerson (Julian Sands), Reverend Mr Beebe (Simon Callow), Eleanor Lavish (Judi Dench), Cecil Vyse (Daniel Day-Lewis)
Review: we rated the movie as 4.5 out of 5.
This was a gentle movie, with some wry humour. The key roles were caricatures of early 20th century characters. For example, Charlotte Bartlett as Lucy’s chaperon was portrayed as the poor cousin spinster, and Cecil was very much rich and idle. It is also a movie of contrasting characters…George as the passionate and brooding young man and Cecil as passionless and arrogant. All enjoyed the movie, which is not surprising given the quality of the cast. Many of the cast were top actors, having either won or been nominated for Academy Awards. And the movie won three Academy Awards.
Further: Our August movie will be Belle based loosely on the story of Dido Belle, the illegitimate daughter of a Royal Navy captain and a slave woman in the 18th century.
With all the movies we watch, our aim is to focus our discussion, covering ideas around genre, characters, plot, but also adding the aspects that relate to film, such as cinemascope, music and atmosphere. We aim to start promptly at 1:00 pm to allow time to discuss the movie.
Joy Shirley