“A Dog’s Way Home” is the story of Bella who is confused when sent away from the ones she loved – Lucas, his mother and Olivia. She did not understand that this was only temporary and escaped to try to find her way back. It was shown from the dog’s perspective of her adventures in finding her way back home. She met many different animals as well as people on the way, but it was only Bella’s voice that was dubbed. The story was lovely, with pleasant and believable characters and magnificent scenery. We gave it a rating of 4 out of 5.
“Captain Marvel” was a totally different film. Carol Danvers becomes one of the universe's most powerful heroes when Earth is caught in the middle of a galactic war between two alien races. There is an unexpected twist around the mid-point of the film which possibly makes it more interesting. Performances by the stars were excellent, and the computer graphics is getting better as the technology evolves. It led to discussions around the introduction of female super heroes (Marvel has done it before) and the comparison between super hero and science fiction films. Overall it was reasonably interesting, a typical Marvel story. We rated it as 3.5 out of 5.
Our film for discussion at the May class is “Swimming with Men”
Joy Shirley