Genre: Romantic comedy
Plot: Paul, a conservative young lawyer, marries the vivacious Corie. Their highly passionate relationship descends into comical discord in a five-flight New York City walk-up apartment.
Key Characters: Paul Bratter (Robert Redford), Corie Bratter (Jane Fonda), Victor Velasco (Charles Boyer), Ethel Banks (Mildred Natwick)
Filming Location: Filmed in various locations around New York City
Review: In general, an enjoyable film. Even the bit characters were enjoyable, from the telephone installation man to the eyes peeping around doors or out the window. The four main characters were full of contrasts – serious to “ditsy”. Ethel was the opposite of Corrie, her daughter; Paul was the opposite of the neighbour, Victor. In the end there is role reversal, with Paul less serious and Corrie realising she loves his serious side; Ethel becomes more outgoing and Victor realise he is getting older. There were some similarities with Breakfast at Tiffanys because of the slightly “ditsy” characters. We rated it as 4-5 out of 5.
Other comments: This was originally a Neil Simon play, with Mildred Natwick also performing in the role of Ethel in the play. Predominantly a character actor she preferred the stage to film. She was nominated for best supporting actress for her role in the movie version of Barefoot in the Park.
Our November session is on 8 November. We will be watching The Last Word, a recent Shirley MacLaine movie. It is another light movie to finish the year.
Joy Shirley