Genre: Biography, Adventure, Drama
Plot: The story of Eddie Edwards, the tenacious British underdog ski jumper who charmed the world at the 1988 Winter Olympics.
Key Characters: Michael “Eddie” Edwards (Taron Egerton), Bronson Peary (Hugh Jackman)
Filming Location: UK, Germany, Austria
Review: This was a “feel good” movie. One person commented that it was just what was needed after watching The Handmaid’s Tale recently. While this was based on the true story of Eddie Edwards, the story had some strong messages about determination, growing up and redemption. The music contributed well to the atmosphere of the movie. There was a political/class aspect that seemed to part of the sports hierarchy that Eddie had to overcome. It would be a good movie to show young people who are striving for achievement. Generally, we rated the movie as 3-3.5 out of 5 – an enjoyable movie, but perhaps not one of the great movies.
Other comments: The locations were spectacular. It was noted that it was the female parts that were the most supportive and sympathetic to Eddie’s struggle, although the coach he found did come around.
Our July session is on 9 August. We plan to watch the movie The Third Man, a celebrated British thriller. We will be in our new location at the Senior Citizens, and will start promptly at 1:00pm.
With all the movies we watch we can look at them as literature – literature in a different medium, that of film. This helps to focus the discussion, covering ideas around genre, characters, plot, but also adding the aspects that relate to film, such as cinemascope, music and atmosphere
Joy Shirley