Genre: Mystery, thriller (spy)
Plot: Pulp novelist Holly Martins travels to shadowy, post-war Vienna, only to find himself investigating the mysterious death of an old friend, Harry Lime.
Key Characters: Major characters are Holly Martins (Joseph Cotton), Anna Schmidt (Alida Valli), Harry Lime (Orson Welles) and Major Calloway (Trevor Howard)
Filming Location: Austria and UK
Review: Comments after the movie covered the location – post war Vienna – and how the ruins added to the atmosphere of the movie; the quality of the performances; and the music which is well known. One scene was noted – Harry Lime (played by Orson Welles) was standing in the underground sewers listening to the calls and footsteps of the people chasing him echoing around him, trying to find out which way to run. There was a little bit of comic relief as well – a parrot, a cat finding Harry Lime just after a comment that he only liked Harry, a little boy chasing Holly and Anna, and a scene where it looks as if Holly has been kidnapped only to find he is being taken to a lecture he was to give.
Other comments: Cinematography was by Robert Krasker, and won an Academy Award in 1951
Our September session is on 13 September.
We plan to watch the movie Saving Mr Banks, the story behind the making of Mary Poppins. We will be in our new location at the Senior Citizens, and will start promptly at 1:00pm.
With all the movies we watch we can look at them as literature – literature in a different medium, that of film. This helps to focus the, covering ideas around genre, characters, plot, but also adding the aspects that relate to film, such as cinemascope, music and atmosphere.
Joy Shirley