A wee bit of housekeeping included a reminder about Chatham House Rules apply to the group, and the purpose of the group. See notes for 27/2/2024 at https://u3abenalla.weebly.com/demystifying-psychology-discussion-group.
At June’s meeting we discussed "Have you ever been brave, how did you feel at the time, and how do you feel about that bravery now?" Examples covered a range of situations, from the everyday & familiar, to acts of bravery that needed careful planning, and some that were speedy and reactive to a sudden event. Many had a common theme - uncertainty and/or fear precipitated the decision to act. High profile public and extraordinary examples of whistle-blowers also caught our attention.
The meeting location prompted thoughts on bravery in war time. It was agreed soldiers on active duty are brave, then we were invited to consider if it is bravery when a soldier is doing a job they have been commanded to perform and which they have no choice but to do.
TED speaker Margie Warrell talks about how to find all the courage you need. Please note - possible trigger warning 10min.33sec - 12min.15sec. Skip this section by dragging the red ball along the red time-line at the bottom of the screen. Call me .. happy to help.
- The term bystander effect refers to the tendency for people to be inactive in high-danger situations due to the presence of other bystanders."
- The more people present, the less likely an individual will act to help. Expert presence at a scene also influences e.g. trained First Aiders, professional such as firefighter, doctor, police.
- Helping behavior reduces in the presence of other people.
- A new way to study the neural and psychological mechanisms of bystander apathy takes into account situational and dispositional factors.
- Neuroimaging studies show an increase in brain activity in clinical research settings
- This article includes an interesting reading list https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6099971/
- Bystanders response in bullying situations is influenced by their interpretation of harm in the bullying situation, emotional reactions, social evaluating, moral evaluating, and intervention self-efficacy. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3415829/
- When a bystander intervenes in a school bullying situation, the bullying is reported to cease within 10 seconds in 57% of cases. Bystander action plays a huge role in stopping student bullying, and may be as effective in other bullying situations. https://mbfpreventioneducation.org/bullying-series-bystanders-student-intervention/#:~:text=In%2057%25%20of%20cases%20when,when%20they%20see%20bullying%20occur.
- Whistle-blower Rights and Protections.https://asic.gov.au/about-asic/asic-investigations-and-enforcement/whistleblowing/whistleblower-rights-and-protections/
The "School bullying situation" is very encouraging.
PLEASE: Share additional references in the "comments" area below.
Date: 18 July
Location Benalla RSL at 58-62 Nunn Street
Time: 2:00pm - 4:00pm
Refreshment options: BYO, RSL tea/coffee at no charge, or pre-purchase from Ruby Blue for delivery to the RSL.
Jane Rushworth