After a cuppa (thank you to Ruby V Blue team) we had a more intense look at operant and inoperant conditioning. "Classical conditioning involves learning through associations between stimuli, while operant conditioning involves learning through the consequences of behavior. Classical conditioning focuses on involuntary, reflexive responses, whereas operant conditioning focuses on voluntary, goal-directed behaviors. Click this link for more information on the key differences between classical and operant conditioning.
Next meeting:
Date/time: Thursday 20 June 2:00 - 4:00pm
Location: NOTE change - Benalla RSL at 58-62 Nunn Street - we will meet here while Ruby Blue undergoes renovations to the their shop. Ruby Blue will temporarily relocate to the "Farmers' Basket" 52 Nunn Street. Thank you to Dan (Ruby Blue) for organising an alternative location for this U3A group in anticipation of these changes.
Finally, please be prepared to welcome new Discussion Group members in the new semester. New members will have completed the pre-requisite 5 sessions of the Demystifying Psychology Course group.
Cheers everyone,