This year semester 1 Demystifying Psychology content will be repeated in semester 2. We meet twice a month.
After our first month at the Hub, we recently redesigned Demystifying Psychology to allow all sessions to be 'face to face' and improve visibility of powerpoint and video content during Course Sessions.
Course Sessions have been rescheduled to the third Friday afternoon of the month from 1 - 3 pm in the U3A Meeting Room (our pre-covid timeslot). These sessions are designed around planned topics and the content is displayed using PowerPoint and a large TV screen. There is a lot of opportunity for discussion in a relatively structured environment. Our next session will be a Course Session in the U3A Meeting Room on Friday March 19th at 1pm.
Demystifying Psychology Discussion Group Sessions (held previously on Zoom), will now be held 'face to face' at the Cooinda Hub on the 1st Tuesday of the month from 10 to 12 midday, commencing in April. Our discussion group sessions are a free-for-all and a lovely surprise. No planning goes into the session and topics are generated by participants on the day.
Depending on the busyness of “Covid Normal” calendars, participants join both or either of the Demystifying sessions.
The aim of Demystifying Psychology is to have a lighthearted look at psychology. To do this it is necessary to be familiar with some of the frequently used concepts and words. So, that is where we have started (again) in 2021.
In February we looked at:
- What is Psychology and its purpose.
- What is a theory, who are some the most known theorists, and what are “schools” of theory?
- Part of how disorders are diagnosed and described in the DSMVI (Diagnostic Statistical Manual, number 5).
.. and then we ran out of time!
In March we will complete the DSM discussion, look at preferred coping styles (and play some games around this), consider ethics in psychology (and listen to some decidedly dastardly examples of historical ethical issues), and finally the history of psychology including the influence of women in psychology.
The Powerpoint session content is now available in the post below this report..
Here’s to a great 2021 and ..