Aging and reflecting on change dominated our discussion. As usual a diverse range of views created a rich and thought-promoting atmosphere.
We enjoy aging, tend to feel like we are around 28 years old, and look in the mirror and wonder who that person might be. We bemoan the absence of an "elder" status in the culture that we experience, the impact of advertising that prioritises youth and beauty, and outsourcing our care to profit making entities. At national and global levels we reflected on the changing role of women, the stubborn gender pay-gap, and the disastrous consequences of our failure to learn from history.
The purpose of this group includes gaining an understanding of where we are at with reference to a psychological theory. Had he been an observer, developmental theorist Erik Erikson might have explained today's discussion as consistent with his theory about late adulthood - the conflict between "Ego Integrity and Despair". This developmental stage balances both a sense of integrity and fulfillment, as well as a willingness to face death, with dissatisfaction with life and despair over the prospect of dying. Find out more at Structural Learning's 'Eriksen's Developmental Stages'
IMPORTANT : The date for the April meeting has been changed to Thursday 11 April (at Ruby Blue 2-4pm). Apologies for the inconvenience.