An interesting array of coins was presented and discussed amongst our members and included:
- !970 Captain Cook uncirculated 50 cent piece in its original coin case.
- An old Indian coin from the East India Company.
- A unique high quality RAM medallion.
- A 2022 colored $2 honey bee coin and the 2021 colored $1Ginger Meggs coin set. These uncirculated coloured coins are very attractive and popular with collectors.
- A rare pre-decimal set of five florins in the original folder.
- A commemorative collection of recently released QE2 Platinum Jubilee 50 cent coins. These are beautiful specimens and unique because of the limited mintage of 7,500.
- A 1988 50 cent piece highlighting the magnificent detail on this coin from the range of 50 cent designs.
- A golden guitar 50 cent piece celebrating 50th anniversary of the Tamworth Country Music Festival.
- An uncirculated 4 coin dinosaur set of $1 coins with privy marks.
To add some fun and educational interest to our meeting a coin trivia questionnaire was held among those attending with some interesting results including a perfect score of 10 out of 10.
Our next meeting will include viewing a YouTube video from PJ’s Coin Capers.
Doug Smith