Several people have expressed an interest in an alternative date later this month. Could you please advise me if you would like to attend a birding outing to Euroa on either Thursday 24 May or Thursday 31 May. We would meet at the Seniors Centre car park at 9.30am as usual, then drive to Euroa, to visit the Euroa Arboretum, then walk along part of the Seven Creeks track in town, followed by a 12.15pm lunch at Seven Creeks Hotel in Euroa.
I already have preferences from a few people, evenly split between the 2 dates, so please ignore this message if we’ve already discussed it.
Please let me know Yes/No, and what date/s suit by this Friday 18 May. It would help to know also if you’d like to attend lunch at the hotel. I’ll then let everyone know what’s been decided.