As we drove in, there were two White-necked Herons and a White-faced Heron in a nearby paddock. In the garden we saw an Eastern Spinebill, a few Superb Fairy-wrens, and a small flock of Red-browed Finches which flew into a shrub beside the driveway.
A short walk took us to a high point on the banks of the Broken River, with a sandy beach below and great views along the river. We continued our stroll through some massive River Red Gums, looking at White-plumed Honeyeaters, Eastern Rosellas, White-browed Scrubwren and a Grey Shrike-thrush on the way.
In the distance we identified two Australian Shelduck (used to be called Mountain Duck) and a large flock of Little Ravens in the paddocks. A flock of about 70 Galahs flew into the River Red Gums as we made our way back to the house for a late morning tea under the carport. Some of us had close views of a female Scarlet Robin along the driveway as our cars left the property, making a total of 25 species for the morning.
Thanks Carole and Godfrey for organising our visit. It was a great spot to finish the birdwatching program for the semester.
A detailed list of birds recorded at each outing is available for download below. Please ring Kathy Costello if you would like a printed copy.
There will only be three monthly outings, on Thursday 8 September, Thursday 13 October and Thursday 10 November, as Kathy is unavailable in July and August. More details will be provided in later newsletters.