Our own bird-watching program resumes on Thursday 12 September, with two more outings in October and November. Details will be provided in the September newsletter.
Kathy Costello
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Goulburn Valley U3A Birdwatching Group, based in Shepparton, will visit Benalla on Wednesday 21 August 2019. They will spend most of the day at Reef Hills State Park on the southern edge of Benalla. Our Benalla U3A Bird-watching group has been invited to join them for the morning, and to stay on for lunch and beyond if interested. I will accompany the group for their visit, and bring my own lunch and a chair. If you would like to join our GV visitors, please meet at the Rose Gardens near Weary Dunlop at 10am.
Our own bird-watching program resumes on Thursday 12 September, with two more outings in October and November. Details will be provided in the September newsletter. Kathy Costello
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BirdwatchingIf you would like to know more about birds in the Benalla district and would appreciate help in identifying birds, this group could be for you. The program involves mainly morning walks in local habitats rich in a range of bird life such as Reef Hills, Winton Wetland and Benalla Lake. There may also be an all day outing to a more distant location. Bring along a pair of binoculars to gain more value and enjoyment from this activity. Convenor and contact detailsPhotographer - Andi Stevenson, with others contributing from time to time.
Meeting TimesSix meetings:
Semester 1 - March, April and May. Semester 2 - August, September, October, November. 2nd Thursday of the month 9.30am to 12 noon Meet at the car park behind the Benalla Senior Citizens Community Centre. Check newsletter for times and details. Please note that outing arrangements are automatically cancelled on days of total fire ban. New membersIf you are new to the birdwatching group, check out Birdwatching - Notes for Participants - you will also find a video link in the notes which may assist you to adjust your binoculars
Outings etc....
November 2024
Developed and maintained by members, this website showcases U3A Benalla & District.
Photographs - U3A members; Benalla Art Gallery website; Weebly 'Free' images;Travel Victoria and State Library of Victoria