Eight U3A enthusiastic members arrived to begin this relaxing and rewarding hobby.
A couple chose to do a pastel still life with Jan and Margaret, our pastel artists, while others chose to do some still life drawing in pencil and charcoal to get their hand in again. A couple of others then went on to do water colour with Carol and Norah, our water colourists, showing early promise. Unfortunately, a couple of class members weren't able to attend because they were ill or had another appointment.
From this group, four have already joined Broken River Painters. We wish them well with their future artistic achievements.
Our next sessions will be on Wednesday 14th and 28th April from 1-30pm - 4pm at Barc Hut 11 when we hope to see everyone back again. As our club will be setting up an exhibition of our work in Wangaratta, I won’t be at the club on Wednesday 14th, however other members will be there to help.
Carol Perry