I started the afternoon by introducing the members of Broken River Painters who were going to assist me - John, Norah, Jan, Mike, Berni, Beth, Maria and myself, Carol.
These artists work in all mediums - Carol, Norah and John use watercolour, Carol also uses oil, Jan and Beth use pastel, Mike works in watercolour and ink, Berni uses a variety called mixed media and Maria uses watercolour and acrylic.
Each artist had brought along one of their paintings to show what can be achieved in any of these mediums.
We discussed class members would like to achieve with their art, then began, drawing in pencil and charcoal some still life objects such as a goblet, a pumpkin, onion, pomegranate, some bananas and other fruit.
Group members were very enthusiastic and turned out some promising work. A couple were confident enough to try painting their choice of subject in watercolour, with some success.
Unfortunately, our second session in March couldn't go ahead. We were looking forward to going to the lake for some outdoor drawing and painting.
Carol Perry