Member stories which followed included the loss and rediscovery of a treasured gold watch; of a little child who had ‘gone off in a huff’ on a farm; of a loved old car in inner Sydney; of a key which symbolized responsibility for the care of a neighbour’s pets; and of a family history with the death of a father. If you would like to read some of these stories click on ‘Blogs’ in the Writing Workshop area of the new website.
ABC Open’s 500 ‘Words’ September topic , set to synchronise with a new ABC documentary series, is ‘For Better For Worse’ - ‘Share your story of a long term romantic relationship and what kept or has kept you together. How did it start? What did/have you learned through the ups and downs?’ As ‘For Better for Worse’ may be a difficult topic to share in a rural setting with often few ‘degrees of separation’ between U3A members, an alternative topic is available- ‘Cringe’ ‘Your eyes squint, your cheeks burn red, your teeth grate. Share a personal cringe-worthy tale of woe that you can’t quite forget!’
Our regular monthly meeting is on the third Monday of the month between 2 and 4 pm in W4. Alternate fortnightly catch ups at a local café will be trialled in the coming months.