A memoir is a slice from a person’s life which focuses on a particular theme or lesson or flavor of experience, an aspect of life that is most unusual or fascinating.
Each month class members reminisce, write about and share memorable ‘slices’ from their lives in response to set ‘500 Words’ themed writing topics.
#1 One Moment, This Year Looking back on 2021, what single moment stands out for you? Whether it be loss, love, discovery or disappointment, share your unforgettable moment.
#2 A Memoir - ‘Head for your bookshelf, the library or an online book-store to retrieve a memoir, preferably one which has meant something to you. When did it enter your life? How did it then, or does it now, relate to your life story?’ (If you would like a more detailed framework to write your memoir review, check out ‘A Memoir which has meant something to me’ from the ATGB web page.)
#3 ‘I Was There’… Have you experienced a significant news, historical or cultural event first-hand? Share your personal piece of history in 500 words.
#1 One moment, this year (2021)
Marg McCrohan
Margaret Nelson
Joy Shirley
#2 Memoir
Barry O'Connor
#3 I was there -
Michelle Aitken
Neville Gibb
Heather Hartland
Bev Lee
Bev Morton
Carmyl Winkler
A Personal Experience
Jenny Monger