November’s topic, ‘Running with Scissors’, provoked risk taking memories including contemplating redundancy and working in jobs involving responsibility for the wellbeing of others. Neville’s writing on being ‘bulletproof’ in his youth was particularly gripping. Stories on ‘The Sky’s the Limit’ and other topics were also shared and Joy Shirley congratulated on receiving ‘Highly Commended’ for her entry 'Age is not a limit, the sky is the limit!' in Benalla Festival’s ‘The Sky’s the Limit’ writing competition.
Next year we will be meeting on the 2nd and 4th Mondays. Don’t forget, if it’s ‘too hot’ to garden and there’s ‘nothing on TV’ – there’s always good reading on the ‘Our Stories’ page of the website
Our first meeting for 2017 will be on Monday 27th February at 1.30 in W4.