Our teams haven’t had full numbers either, but because we are so adaptable that is all fine, and we cope with flying colours. There are contingencies for dealing with smaller numbers, so it makes the game so much easier to play.
We still play at 10am, after a recent discussion as to whether we would change times, so the status quo was acceptable to just about everyone. Our beloved Val has returned from Sth Africa (again!!!!) and has lost none of her infectious enthusiasm, which makes us all laugh all the time! If only she would try to throw more goals!!
We have been invited to a Fun and Friendship day at Albury on May 1, which will be beaut, as Albury hasn’t hosted one for the past two years. And we are hosting our own Day on May 27, and invitations will be sent to Deniliquin, Albury, Rutherglen, Wangaratta, Mansfield, Eildon, Myrtleford, and of course, ourselves, so probably around 50 people will attend!! It takes much organisation, but we have an extremely co-operative group of players, who help whenever and wherever they are needed, so the day always works like clockwork.
If you want to know more, contact me at - [email protected] or 03 5762 2967 and I will gladly sell us to you, or come along every Monday morning at 10am to watch (and even play) if you wish, at the stadium!
Extra dates - Wednesday May 1 - Albury Fun and Friendship Day at the Lauren Jackson Stadium in Albury, admission $7 as usual.
Monday 27th May, our own Fun and Friendship Day, at the Benalla Indoor Recreation Centre in Ackerly Avenue. More details later.
Margaret Merriman