We are making arrangements for us to go to the Golf Club for lunch on May 29 after we finish playing, which gives us a great opportunity for some much-needed socialisation in a relaxed situation, when there is no need to race home following the game.
We have been approached by Colleen Wilson-Lord, our esteemed leader in Albury, to run an umpires' training day, when potential umpires from surrounding teams (Albury, Deniliquin, Rutherglen, Wangaratta, Myrtleford, Mansfield, Eildon, and us, of course) all meet to learn the rules thoroughly, then put them into practice when teams come onto the court later. Umpires will be put through their paces, testing both their knowledge and practice, and if successful, they will be awarded their credentials at a Fun and Friendship Day later in the year.
This will be a whole day's training, so there will be both morning and afternoon tea, and lunch for all participants.
Some teams have difficulties fielding umpires when we play away, so having a wide selection of umpires takes the responsibility away from those who umpire all the time, at every game.
We are hoping that August 28 will be the selected day, but we must till we have responses from all teams before that date can become definitive.
If you like, come and watch our version of hilarity every Monday at 10am at the Benalla Indoor Recreation Centre, in Ackerly Avenue, and if like what you see, join in!! You will be made very welcome!!!
You don't have to mad to join us, but it sure would be an asset!!!!
Marg Merriman 5762 2967 (New number)