The format is similar to that when Covid restricted U3A at the beginning of last year. That is, the phone is the medium for spoken expression and email for written expression. The difference is that all communication is to Horst, whose first language is German.
All members have elected to write in German and most have taken the opportunity to have work corrected. This is akin to have individual tutoring and is wonderful for having individual needs addressed. Participants write about anything of their choosing.
Half the members have taken up the option of speaking by telephone. Often hearing difficulties have been the reason for not doing so. We are sticking to the usual fortnightly structure, making times for the next phone call before hanging up.
This seems to be ticking along well. We are indebted to Horst for his willing commitment to the group. If there are others out there who would like to be involved, please let me know.
Pauline Bailey
0434 147 605