To the U3A Committee, thank you for the wonderful organisation which makes U3A work so smoothly and my work with the German group possible!
Gruß Horsto
To my class members, "Danke für die Freundschaft die ihr mir geschenkt habt". Thank you for the friendship you gave me.
To the U3A Committee, thank you for the wonderful organisation which makes U3A work so smoothly and my work with the German group possible! Gruß Horsto
Photographer - Rene Martens "Thanks, Rene!"
German - Home PageHorst Gunther is offering weekly German sessions in 2024. Some knowledge of the German language is required, but all levels, from beginners to fluent speakers, will be accommodated. Mentors will work with beginners during the sessions.
Convenor Contact DetailsHorst Gunther
0447 595 059 Meeting TimesWeekly Sessions
Tuesdays 12:15 - 1:45 pm, with sessions extending to 3.15 pm on the 5th Tuesday. U3A Meeting Room 1 Archives
September 2024
Developed and maintained by members, this website showcases U3A Benalla & District.
Photographs - U3A members; Benalla Art Gallery website; Weebly 'Free' images;Travel Victoria and State Library of Victoria