Please bring a small plate to share for morning tea. Lunch to be arranged.
Gwen 5762 7017 or 0438627010.
Our winter program begins on June 28th in the U3A rooms. We will begin at 9.45 a.m. to hear guest speaker Marjorie Porter. Marjorie is the author of `A Seed is planted, Royal Horticultural Society of Victoria From 1848-2014’. This should be a very interesting session.
Please bring a small plate to share for morning tea. Lunch to be arranged. Gwen 5762 7017 or 0438627010. The U3A group had a bus trip on Thursday 26th April to Ballarat Botanical Gardens followed by a beautiful lunch at Pipers Restaurant, then went onto Lambley Nursery & Gardens. Such an inspiring garden and fabulous veggie garden. Lambley Nursery and Gardens A must-see. Thanks to Gwen for all her organising. Phyllis Doxey
Coming up - On May 24th we will visit the farm garden of Lyn and Peter Tanner, 222 Quinn Road, Goorambat. We will have morning tea. Please bring a mug and a small plate to share. Hot water, tea, coffee and milk will be provided. Then we are off to Devenish and Goorambat to see the Wall to Wall Art. Lunch at the Railway Hotel, Goorambat. Meet at 9.30am in the U3A car park behind the Seniors building. Gwen Turner 5762 7017 M 0438627010 |
About the Garden Appreciation Group
Meeting Times4th Thursday. All day (approx 9.30 - 3.00). Meet at the Seniors Car Park at 9.30 unless otherwise advised by Gwen - check Newsletter for further details.
Convenor and contact DetailsGwen Turner 0438 627 010
September 2024
Developed and maintained by members, this website showcases U3A Benalla & District.
Photographs - U3A members; Benalla Art Gallery website; Weebly 'Free' images;Travel Victoria and State Library of Victoria