February 26th - Meet at Centre Car Park 10 am.
We are going to Brookfield Garden and Maze. 1121 Benalla-Whitfield Road, Myrrhee. 5729 7507.
The garden will have summer flowers, plenty of shade trees, rare plants and shrubs. Eryl will open her private garden for us too. Will also take any of us who want to go into the maze.
Lunch – Alternate menu. $40 per person which includes maze and garden, and private garden entry. Choose two mains and two desserts to be served alternately with buffet style tea and brewed coffee. I will need to know numbers for lunch and dietary needs by 12th February.
March 26th - Meet at Rose Garden 7.30 am.
Have booked a bus to take us to the Melbourne International Flower Show, Exhibition Building, Carlton. Bus and entry will cost $55.
Will need money and names by 12th March. Money can be left at the Centre in an envelope marked Garden Appreciation Trip – Attention Gwen.
Gwen 5762 7017, 0438 627010
Source: From the January Newsletter