I had been fit as I grew up on and later worked on family farms.
But then we sold the farms, I became a journalist in my early 30s and then spent most of my working life pecking away at typewriters and later computers.
After a decade and a half based in Melbourne we again owned a small irrigation farm and that enabled me to again get out in the fresh air which I still love to do.
In 1992 I moved to inner Sydney but spent many weekends battling lantana, a terrible weed in that part of the world on a friend’s Illawarra farm just south of Sydney.
But then a decade or so later I started to read about osteoporosis not just particularly affecting women but also men as they moved through the years into their 60s and 70s.
But “moved” was the operative word and I became aware that to stem bone loss it was essential to lift weights and exercise muscles to maintain bone mass.
To continue reading, here's a link to this story on David's other blog 'I quit being a slob'
(Sorry this link isn't working at the moment (Jan 2017)...we are working on getting the rest of the story for this page)