Whilst there has been a period in the first half of September where the Australian market retreated slightly, economic reality and the market have yet to come together. Government support through the shutdown period has benefited many companies, and in our first Zoom session for the month we looked at those companies which had benefited from the support payments.
In both sessions we saw examples of companies which are trading well and which show promise for investors.
During the latter part of September we learnt that one of Benalla U3A’s long standing members, Graham Mitchell, has moved into care nearer his son who lives in Geelong. Graham started the original Investment Group over fifteen years ago, and it was only due to his ill health that it closed five years ago. Since then Graham has come to our meetings and has always shown interest in whatever was discussed. We wish him well in his new environment.
Our next Zoom Investment meeting will be on Friday 2nd October 2020 at 2pm.
Margaret Jenkins