We had a look at the Top dividends & Upcoming dividends on the Market Index web site. During the month of February and March most ASX stocks reported their six-month financial returns and dividends. The whole market has been positive during February, however Lithium in 2024 is no longer sought after due to oversupply, hence spot prices are down 50% on 2023. Energy companies appear to gaining most with a handout of BOS energy.
Our Long-term selections are again a little mixed, however Wende was a clear winner with a $7,841 gain with her selection of WC8. Colin, Barbara, John, & Bill also had gains of over 20%.
On our Monthly selections, there was a mixed result overall. Four people selected a new stock for March. The best result for February was achieved by Nola, with a gain of $5,228 with AGY.
Our Bendigo Watchlist was in positive territory, with Graeme providing his selection for next meeting’s review.
Our Real Time selections report needs careful row review, with the adding of capital gains and dividends making for more discussion. A good example on this sheet was the selection by Jan in February of CBA that paid a dividend, then sold all the nett value less $40 to purchase WOW that paid a late dividend on 28th February. This was cited as trying to gain on capital gain with dividend cumulative sum. Only four transactions per year per person can be allowed for as the report sheet will become too deep. You can sell or buy at our meeting and this can be nominated by noting week one sell (S1) week two (S2) etc on the sheet, so you can sell or buy (B1), (B2) during the weeks between meetings. This can mean gaining a dividend or selling when the stock hits a high. One stock CUE was noted with a dividend of 2 cents with stock price of 6 cents on 22nd February. With an ex-dividend date of 21 March, they are now trading at around 11 cents. We still have several big companies and ANZ & NAB banks to report over the next 8 weeks, which will allow you to sell or buy on this work sheet.
Our next meeting will be Friday 5th April at 2 pm as Easter Monday is a Public Holiday.
Malcolm Sanders