Oh, for the days when, as a busy high school teacher, I could prepare and run five or six classes a day, answering myriad questions by students, remembering all their names and where they were up to with their due assignments, attend staff meetings after school and then shop for and hold a dinner party for six friends that evening.
‘Back in the day’, I could ‘rush’ to finish things, lift and carry items without pain, get into my car in one easy move. I could clean the house ready for a dinner party in what seems now like ‘a single bound’.
The thought of having a dinner party now fills me with dread!
These days, about the best I can do is have washing ‘on the go’ in the washing machine, dishes soaking in the kitchen sink to make them easier to wash, while I simultaneously make a telephone call. Even that makes me feel exhausted and ready for a nanny-nap!
I’m not sure if anyone has noticed, I haven’t submitted a story since August’s ‘Right Here, Right Now’, topic. My excuse? My growing inability to multi-task.
A fascinating writing related project has been absorbing me for the past three months and I’ve been finding it more difficult than I did even a year ago to change my focus to other writing projects, to work on more than one writing project simultaneously.
A number of factors, alongside normal ageing, may be influencing this. Is it a sign of early dementia? Is a lack of oxygen to the brain caused by chronic asthma and pulmonary disease making thinking and problem solving more difficult? Or, have I quietly had the odd ‘transient ischemic attack’ and slight brain injury as a result? Addressing these and other issues would involve a diary replete with medical and hospital visits – yet more plates to attempt to keep spinning at once!
Strategies to successfully spin more plates again are in order. Any suggestions?
I’m grieving this loss of capacity to multi-task. The stages of bewilderment and anger have passed, I’m now grudgingly accepting the grim reality that I will never be able to so effortlessly multi-task again.
On the bright side…, I made it here today after managing to write this story following a morning Zoom meeting.
I must admit, though… the washing is still in the washing machine, the dishes are still soaking in the sink, I’m feeling exhausted and ready for a nanny nap!
Bev Lee
November 2020