Over the years my mind has found ways to control me, but now I have found a way to control it. I will not go into detail about how this was done.
My first request was that my mind make me tall, dark and handsome, with a moustache, and make me a ‘wow’ with the ladies. Unfortunately, this was found to be too hard. I remain myself, not tall, what hair I have is grey, I have no teeth and have hearing aids, dentures and glasses. No ‘wow’ to the ladies, I still haven’t a moustache.
I have always wanted to be a good athlete, and with the help of my mind, took up athletics. My best effort was to jump a bit over 8 feet. Only last week I broke the 3-minute mile. As the Olympics only come around every 4 years, I may not still have this ability, so did not go on with my athletic career.
The next on my list was my football skills. Able to kick goals from centre half-back I haven’t missed so far this year. The AFL were not impressed with this. They may be required to lengthen grounds, which could affect attendances.
Having been given the cold shoulder by the footballers, I received a better reception from the cricket people. I always wanted to be an all-rounder but was disappointed with my batting, as I was twice out for less than 100. I found my forte as an overarm bowler, the hat-trick became old hat, and we are looking for names for the 4th, 5th and 6th wickets.
While I was telling the people at Benalla U3A of my new exploits, my mind took over and I could see that they were getting uneasy. One uncouth person said, “He is out of his mind”, and they actually booed me.
So, now I am back thinking about what could have been.
Max Tilbury,
July 2024