Les Rogers talked to us about encryption and decryption. In simple terms the operation of transforming a plaintext block into a ciphertext block is called encryption and the operation of transforming a ciphertext into a plaintext block is called decryption. The need to keep messages secret has been in mens minds for centuries and is very much at the forefront of modern computer technology. In 1997 a competition was held for the search for a successor algorithm of DES that would be accepted by all. The winner was proclaimed in Oct 2000 and is now in general use.
ChatGBT-OpenAI has been in the news lately. One of the topics offered in the U3A class 'As Time Goes By' was Right Here - Right Now. Taking this subject literally, I produced an essay attempting to combine nano time into quantum theory. The essay resulting was not entirely comprehensive. However when the essay was put through ChatGBT the result was extremely surprising. It made the essay not only look authentic but made it interesting and easy to read. It certainly made the writer look good.
It is hard to see how anyone will not now put all their writing through ChatGBT - emails, lectures - anything!
Neville Gibb