Read more about how On Target has helped our community on the Good Things Foundation Australia website:
Margaret Jenkins, Dorothy Webber
Earlier this year U3A Benalla participated in the Building Digital Skills in Regional Areas Pilot, a joint initiative run by Good Things Foundation Australia and Wesfarmers, with our On Target digital skills program. Through the On Target program, we supported Benalla residents to learn how to use technology for everyday tasks, like shopping online and scanning QR codes. The program has made a great difference to those who participated, with many feeling motivated and excited to use their new skills at home.
Read more about how On Target has helped our community on the Good Things Foundation Australia website: Margaret Jenkins, Dorothy Webber
July began with the final session of the 'On Target--Learning to Shop Online' course, followed up by the first of (hopefully) four 'Drop In' session, before Covid lockdown #5 intervened.
The focus in the final course session was the role You Tube videos can play in helping to meet our learning needs as life-long learners. The Be Connected program is also a wonderful resource for life-long learners and is increasingly being used by participants as an ongoing form of training. The Drop In component of the course began on Thursday 8th July. With school holidays and grandparenting duties affecting some class members and mentors, Janet, Rina and Shirley were able to have lots of one-on-one mentoring throughout the session, helping them to achieve their goals for the day and more! A final Drop-In session was held in the now available small classroom opposite the U3A meeting room Thursday 29 July. We have now come to the end of the ‘On Target’ short course. Some class members have taken up the option of proceeding on to Tech Savvy Beginners – Apple and/or Android; Be Connected and other U3A courses. Finally, a memorable comment made by Shirley during Drop In .... 'You know, before I did this course, when I saw people focusing and tapping away on their mobiles, I thought they were being rude. Now I'm doing it myself!' Bev Lee This week saw the beginning of our final stage, four 'On Target Drop In' sessions between 10 and 12 on the 8, 15, 22 and 29th July. The plan is that as each person 'drops in' they write up their learning needs on a table on the blackboard, and then work with the mentors to 'tick off' the learning needs. Here's an example from Rina - who listed the top needs when she came in, but added the 'extra's' when she left Now comfortable with messaging and taking photos on her new phone, Shirley moved on to emailing today and will soon be ready to begin to 'shop-online'. Janet now has the National Bank app on both her phone and ipad, adding it to her ipad as the screen being larger makes keying in numbers etc easier for her to manage. Janet has always preferred to use her camera , which is an excellent one, to take photos, but today checked out how to use the camera on her phone, taking a photograph of Rina and Robyn and cropping it. It will be handy to use the camera feature when she doesn't have her camera with her and sees a photo opportunity. With school holidays and grandparenting duties affecting some class members and mentors, a small group was able to have close to one on one mentoring throughout the session, Everyone left feeling that they had achieved their goals for the day and more!
The Drop In's are very hands on - the only time we might come together to demonstrate something through the lap top screened through the overhead is if a number of people have the same learning need. Today's most memorable comment came from Shirley, who said 'You know, when I saw people focusing and tapping away on their mobiles, I thought they were being rude. Now I'm doing it myself!' Bev Lee Our focus today - 'life long learning' - using Google searches for You Tube Videos to meet our learning needs as life long learners.. Bev used her own learning needs of the day to show how she approaches this, beginning by reviewing simple Internet searches, in this case, for 'Plastic Free July 2021'. Needing a resource to add to the Benalla Sustainable Future Group's website, Bev googled Plastic Free July 2021 and selected a video to use. Wanting a video to help the class today, Bev Googled You Tube using Google Search Bev selected the following video from the list of options which came up as it relates to our online shopping theme. While the presenter speaks very quickly, all agreed that it was very informative. Bev explained that while she can send emails to a group, she needs to learn how to send text messages to a group, particularly our group! Bev made the following search on Google to reflect her learning need - How to send a text to a multiple contacts on my android phone? - and selected the following YouTube video: A few class members said they had the same learning need. Bev is going to practise this next week! Finally, Bev shared a Shopping on Line task she's thinking about - "It's Wimbledon - wondering about trialling up the free week of Tennis Watching on Stan!" Google search - Stan Wimbledon Offer Suspecting she may have joined years ago, Bev brought along her password list. This proved to be the needed! On going further in to the Stan offer, Bev decided she would need time to think about whether to renew her subscription, as it seemed the Free 7 days would only relate to the amount to add to an existing subscription. Something to try yourself - go in to YouTube and using the You Tube Search bar to search for videos to meet at least one learning need. Group members then reported back on gains and pains since we last met, followed after a break by time spent working on individual learning needs, supported by mentors Robyn, Dorothy and Bev. Janet described meeting a number of new challenges related to online transactions of various sort, and shared with us that she was able to access MyGov for the first time and to locate print out her vaccination status. Janet described feeling increasingly confident, as did new class member Shirley, who joined the class two weeks or so ago, Shirley is now sending texts, making calls, and sending photos with text messages on her new smart phone. Shirley is currently enjoying cropping and adding filters to photos and spent time with Robyn adding the Victorian Service QR Code app to her phone and then using it a number of times. Rina has made the transition now from her old flip phone to her new smart phone, which accepts Aldi Sim cards she prefers. Dorothy reassured Rina that the phone has been purchased for her continued use, and that she will be able to use her own Sim card and Aldi recharges after the course. Now comfortable with shopping on line on her phone, Sharon is enjoying learning to use the iPad we have loaned her, and took up Bev's suggestion of taking and editing photos using the camera function on the ipad. Today's session marked the ending of the formal course sessions. We now move on to review progress to date, make plans to transition to Tech Savvy courses and attend the Drop In sessions which will be offered throughout July. We look forward to catching up with everyone again at the first of four Drop In sessions next week! Bev Lee The Covid Lockdown interruption in June meant the rescheduling of our final sessions. As we near the end of the course, we are focussing on making sure participants are comfortable with new devices if they have them; can purchase goods online if they wish to; can use the Be Connected modules for self-directed learning after the course and can complete important functions such as using the Victorian Services QR Scan reader. A variety of additional skills related to shopping on-line, such as ordering actual prints of digital photos on-line, have been introduced by Jenny Sawyer and Dorothy Webber. We would like to thank members of the class who have been supportive of one another and have been so understanding when members have different learning needs. Class sessions will be replaced by ‘Drop In Sessions’ in weeks 2, 3, 4 and 5 of July and additional 1-1 mentoring sessions provided before the course concludes on 29 July if needed. Participants will also begin to attend ‘Tech Savvy Beginner’ and other courses in July. Bev Lee and Dorothy Webber We will be meeting again today in the U3A meeting from 10 to 12 following the lockdown. We'll begin by sharing recent highs and lows experienced in mastering our smart phones and tablets for online shopping and other purposes, and then move on to a presentation by Jenny Sawyer on an on-line shopping topic she thinks you will enjoy. Time will be spent today on making sure everyone is comfortable logging in to Be Connected, is able to work through at least two topics and can find 'work already completed' information.
Here are the latest tweaks to our plans caused by classes cancelled during the most recent Covid Lockdown (ie 3rd, 10th and 17th June). On Target - Learning to Shop on Line Course Sessions Session 6: 24 June - Review and additional skill building; focus on using Be Connected units. Session 7: 1 July - Final full session, evaluation, planning for transition to other classes. July - commence attending one or more of the following regular sessions where enrolled:
On Target Drop In Sessions on a drop in, as needs basis and/or to meet up with mentor in the small class room opposite the U3A room if U3A room unavailable Thursdays 10 to 12 am Drop in session 1 - 8th July Drop in session 2 - 15th July Drop in session 3 - 22nd July Drop in session 4 - 29th July Other one to one support as arranged.. Bev Lee With the Covid Lockdown affecting our ability to meet up on 3rd and 10th June, mentoring one to one sessions and plans to transition to other classes, it's 'back to the drawing board'.
Here are our revised plans: On Target - Learning to Shop on Line Course Sessions Session 6: 17 June - Review and additional skill building Session 7: 24 June - Final full session, evaluation, planning for transition to other classes. July - commence attending one or more of the following regular sessions where enrolled:
and/or On Target Drop In Sessions on a drop in, as needs basis and/or to meet up with mentor in the small class room opposite the U3A room if U3A room unavailable Thursdays 10 to 12 am Drop in session 1 - 1st July Drop in session 2 - 8th July Drop in session 3 - 15th July Drop in session 4 - 22nd July Other one to one support as arranged with your mentor. It will be good to be able to meet up again. Bev Lee May was a busier month than usual for Dorothy Webber, Bev Lee, Jenny Sawyer and Robyn Lukey as we worked with a group of students who expressed interest in the Wesfarmers funded digital literacy classes being offered by U3A Benalla to increase the digital skills and confidence of older Benalla community members
. Our six week ‘On Target – Learning to Shop Online’ course draws upon the Be Connected program to develop the skills required to shop online, with lots of associated digital literacy skills developing along the way. One-to-one mentoring is also offered. Each weekly session is described in some detail in the On Target – Learning to Shop Online page of our website. Although the course has almost finished, most participants new to U3A have chosen to continue on in Tech Savvy related courses in Semester II as well as other courses of interest to them. Please make them welcome! Bev Lee Welcome/Housekeeping:
1. How did you go with QR codes today? Did you manage this more easily than last week?. . 2. This week, and continuing into next week, we will spend some time on supporting you to
Sharing of progress over the week: Introduction - "What is one thing which you tried from last session, or one 'event' (a ha moment or disaster) which happened for you this week in working online?" Talking about Facebook: A Chat about FB - which class members use FB? How? A look at people's opinions and use of some of the buying and selling online sites actually go through Faceboom Dorothy's presentation: Using Community and other sites to Buy and Sell Online Break: Over to you: Select from one or more of: Enrolling in U3A units (if applicable) 1. Following through with U3A enrolments - handing out copy of completed membership/enrolment application, along with copy of timetable/other docs if available. 2. Looking units, timetables, other information up on U3A website 3. Using the Calendar on your phone - Adding times of classes to the calendar on your phone Going the next step with 'Be Connected' 1. Completing registration if not already registered 2. Signing in, selecting and commencing a unit. 3. Finding out where to go to check out what you have completed. Other: 1. Trialling any of the options Dorothy showed you today. 2. Skill building/.practice - eg. QR codes; taking photographs; downloading and installing apps; buying something online: 3. Other - let us know Next Week: In the final session, Jenny will be coming in again to demonstrate on line shopping - this time ordering photographs on line; we'll be working through the initial questionnaire to check out progress and any skills still to be covered, we'll ask how confident you are feeling about shopping on line and get you to reflect upon your learning journey during this six week course. We'll also take a look at 'where to from here', arrange any other one to one sessions, book out of devices and follow up enrolment arrangements with you Bev Lee . "What is one thing which you tried from last session, or one 'event' ('a ha' moment or disaster) which happened for you this week in working online?" Sharon began with a 'good news' story - buying a Dyson vacuum on E-Bay. As other students have found, sometimes they set up an account with a bank, pay pal, ebay or other online service some years ago, possibly as a practice run, and just needed to reopen it by resetting the password. This certainly worked for Sharon, who is now looking forward to the delivery of her vacuum. Joy reported still to trying decide what she would like to buy. Dorothy reported on using Fly Buys to purchase a smart watch, which is now letting her know if messages/emails have been delivered, counting her steps, and more! Joy described having similar watch and said she finds it particularly useful in alerting her if her phone is tucked away in the bottom of her bag. Rina is currently making the transition to a smart phone, with some ups and downs along the way --'par for the course' as they say! Wayne has progressed from never having used a device at all to being able to make calls, send messages and take photographs on his phone. Wayne is currently searching to find a rare Nintendo Console, learning lots along the way, including how to convert $AUS to $US!
To develop understanding of 'Apps', Be Connected presenter Jenny Sawyer worked through examples of shopping online using both the Target website and App, while Be Connected mentor Pat Treleaven described her experiences online shopping with Woolworths. Pat emphasised that you can't just buy eg. three items, the total must be at least $50. For more information about 'Apps' check out the following 'Be Connected' units: 'All About Apps' 'Getting Started with Mobile Banking' (which requires you to install apps) With just over half an hour left, and following a brief coffee break, time was spent working on individual learning needs, including shopping on line and setting up and using QR codes. We also checked out the photos taken last week (see the post below.) To review and build upon last week's introduction to Pay Pal and using the Camera. check out the following links: Pay Pal Paying Online Using Pay Pal Using the Camera on our phone - Android - Apple - Two sessions remain of this 6 session program. Members of the course are, however, eligible for at least 2 hours of one-to-one mentoring to meet individual learning needs during the course. A number of people have already had, or booked in for, one to one help. Learning needs have ranged from learning to make calls and texts from a new mobile phone to transferring photos from a phone to a laptop so that space can be made available on the mobile phone. We were fortunate today to have Jenny Sawyer, presenter of Be Connected and Tech Savvy Beginners (Apple Devices), and Robyn Lukey, presenter of Tech Savvy Beginners (Android Devices) assisting as mentors. Over the next two weeks we will explore 'next steps' following the course, with students definitely having the option of moving on to Jenny and Robyn's classes. Next week's session will include a segment by Dorothy Webber on buying and selling online through Benalla Swap and Sell (and similar programs). Bev Lee Instead of a handout this week - Bev sent the following information about the plan for the day in an email to class members This means that the links can be clicked on while reading. Session Outline:
Housekeeping - Confirmation of Be Connected membership and use of next session this week if possible; one to one mentoring sessions Introduction - "What is one thing which you tried from last session, or one 'event' (a ha moment or disaster) which happened for you this week in working online?" Review: Pay Pal
- Reviewing slide show on last session's post on website (scroll down) - Reviewing using a Be Connected module - there are introductory videos for Android and Apple Android - Apple - Today's Topics Understanding and using 'Apps' on our phones - Jenny Sawyer/Pat Treleaven For further review./reference, check out the following 'Be Connected' units
Over to You: Choose from at least one of the following if you haven't done it before or need more practice
The sharing of responses to the question "What is one thing which stood out for you last session, or one 'event' which happened for you this week in working online?" led to reports of trying new things, some 'a ha moments' and some moments of great frustration. Reports were certainly rich in a wide range of experiences associated with 'Living in an increasingly On-line Environment'. Janette's revelation that she had purchased something on line using Pay Pal for the first time started the ball rolling, and though still rather trepidatious about the process, Janette was supported and encouraged by others. Reviewing last week's introduction to Shopping On-line, Bev displayed a box from Target containing last session's purchase, and the multiple emails received from Target Online, Pay Pal and Australia Post relating to the purchase and delivery. After having registered for a Target Online Account last session, Bev just needed to sign in this time to check her order details.. Last week's introduction to Be Connected was also reviewed, beginning with the difference between Signing In vs Signing Up and managing this on the mobile version of Be Connected. An engaging introductory video on the Be Connected program followed, providing light relief. New to mobile phones class member Rina, who has completed over 20 Be Connected modules, was glowing about the fact that the notes for each module can be printed out to provide reinforcement of learning now and a reminder in future. The focus then returned to Pay Pal, with Be Connected's 'How to Pay Online' topic including a most informative introductory video. (Interested - here's the link - Paying Online Using Pay Pal There are also videos available on YouTube--just search for 'Pay Pal Beginner'. Paypal works for both personal and business - find out more at How to Use Pay Pal - A Beginners Guide ( 'Over to you!' The session was then handed over to class members, with support from Bev and Dorothy, to try to complete at least one of the following tasks.:
Keen to encourage everyone to use emails or messages and get photographs to add to the website, Bev set the task of taking a photograph/s of fellow class members in action on their devices and then emailing or messaging them to her. This task also provided the opportunity to learn or relearn how to crop photographs, and for some, how to use filters - all quite energising learning experiences. The photos included on this post are the result. We also spent time looking at the new 'On Target - Learning to Shop Online' page (this page) and the U3A Website, and most people left with icons for these both on their Home Screen.
With 'Apps' and 'Mobile Apps' specialist Jenny Sawyer unavailable today, these topics have been deferred until next week. If you would like to do some 'pre-viewing' on these topics on Be Connected before class - here are the links:
The question "When you chose to come to the course, what were you particularly keen to learn? Is this the same now or different? What is your key interest area/learning need?" was explored, with three people particularly concerned to transfer space-taking photos out of their mobile phones or tablets. Class members are asked to send an email to [email protected] or SMS Bev at 0478 607 838 with a reminder of their answer to the last question. . Bev Lee Presenter/Mentor Today's session could be titled 'Preparing to Shop On Line and use Be Connected'. We had apologies from two members, however two new members attended, both of who needed to access a smart phone through the program. We are purchasing simple smart phones from our local Post Office funded through our program and a 'partner' program. It can be 'quite a business' setting up new mobiles for use. For our new mobile phone users, complications typically arise at some stage requiring a trip to the Telstra Shop service offered at Stolz Furniture Store. Thank you so much to the workers at Stolz who are assisting our beginning mobile phone users in this way.
We began by learning more about the two new students, then everyone shared a learning challenge overcome on their devices in the past fortnight. Using the overhead projector and large wall screen, Bev demonstrated signing in to Be Connected and using modules of interest. One of our new members was rather reticent about using email accounts. We discussed the fact that email accounts are a key requirement of registering and purchasing with on line stores, indeed all online purchasing even if we decide not to register with a store, Having an email account involves having a password, so the topic moved on to creating safe passwords. We drew upon the excellent Be Connected topic 'Learning Safely on Line', with lots of useful discussion along the way. Bev then led us through her decision to buy something online she desperately needed and used to buy at the Benalla Target store. Bev demonstrated registering to open account at Target, (showing us later how this meant she could track her online purchases); then proceeded to search for, find and add the items to her shopping cart; then concluded the transaction by completing payment. Bev uses Pay Pal for purchases, so we saw this process in action. Bev also opened up her Pay Pal account to show us where it recorded purchases, then opened her email account to show us how the transaction came through very quickly to her email. The task of following up on something of interest which had come out of the demonstration was then handed over to class members. Three participants who were new to Be Connected sessions decided to register with Be Connected. This can be a bit tricky and proved frustrating for two participants, however working on the laptop with Bev and checking out what was happening on the overhead screen proved helpful. Soon all was well--for the moment at least! With a wide spread of learning needs in the group, we are providing some 'one to one' sessions to beginning users of mobile phones, and will do so to al students on an as needs basis as the need arises. Finding out more about, and potentially setting up, Pay Pal accounts is of interest to most of our participants, so will be included and discussed in more detail at our next session on Thursday 13 May at 10 am. Bev Lee Here are the links to the websites opened in this session: Target Online - Be Connected - Pay Pal - Our first session, on Thursday 22 April from 10 to 12, focused on finding out about the learning needs of our participants and the devices they will be using during the course. Registration documents were also completed - on paper...but we'll soon all be registering to open accounts with Be Connected, Target and more! Five participants registered on the day, with three presenter/mentors - Dorothy, Bev and Jenny - to guide the session and support learners. Learning needs ranged from some one with their very first device ever, a new mobile phone provided through the course, to someone who was quite confident on their laptop and phone, but not confident with online shopping. We also introduced participants to U3A, explaining that being in the course would enable then to also take other U3A courses during the year if they would like to. We will continue to accept new participants over the coming weeks. The two hour session flew by! The next session of this 'On Target' short course will be on Thursday 6th May.
Bev Lee ‘On Target – learning to shop online’ is a six-session course which draws upon the Target Online Shopping website and the Be Connected Learning Platform to develop the digital literacy skills required for online shopping. Online shopping requires being able to use the internet and search engines; having an email account; the capacity to pay for goods online using eg. PayPal or credit cards; the ability to use a search engine within an online shopping site; to set up a store account to monitor online orders; and many other digital literacy skills. It is offered a small group classroom setting with provision for one-to-one mentoring and follow up referral to Be Connected and other U3A Tech Savvy Beginners courses. Participants will be encouraged to use their own mobile phone, tablet or laptop, however devices will be available for loan if required. The course is being run on Thursday mornings from 10am to 12 midday for six weeks. The Registration/Orientation session is to be held on Thursday 22nd April, with five sessions commencing on 6 April, with the final session focusing on reviewing and evaluating the course. The focus of the course is on developing the skills and understanding required to shop on-line, but other topics will be available either
The course is being documented to enable future delivery as a short course if demand exists.
On Target - Learning to Shop Online
Developed and maintained by members, this website showcases U3A Benalla & District.
Photographs - U3A members; Benalla Art Gallery website; Weebly 'Free' images;Travel Victoria and State Library of Victoria