While most politicians are sincere in their own way not many can fake sincerity. Most try very hard to do this but invariably all fail. This however does not stop them trying. It is the first requirement of politics.
It is interesting to note that two great politicians of the 20th century who always gave the appearance of complete sincerity were also two of the most destructive – Hitler and Stalin. Just what did they both think? It’s impossible to know. But they were both exceptional in being able to fake sincerity. And people believed they were sincere. This was their strength.
In other professions faking it can work in your favour. It can even be a liberation. I once witnessed a conversation between Elton John and Elvis Costello. This conversation was not scripted and Elvis Costello as an aside made the point that they had both changed their names. Elton John immediately became animated and started to speak in an obviously sincere way. He said that his life changed the day he changed his name. He was no longer Reg Dwight – insignificant keyboard player – he was suddenly Elton John – potential pop star – song writer. It meant he could blossom as a person. And he knew it. He was not tied to the past – he had no past – he could invent himself. And he did. He changed himself. Elvis Costello had to admit that the same thing happened to him. He was no longer Declan MacManus – son of Ross MacManus. He suddenly had his own life and could do what he wanted. He did not have to sing like his father. Ross MacManus was a well-respected and well known Jazz Singer and Declan always felt in his shadow.
In this instance faking new names and personalities was a positive thing. It worked well. It may have worked without them changing their names but neither person thinks so. It was just not possible without faking it.
The most potential for faking it in one’s own personal life is when it comes to romance.
Sometimes romance is a heady affair. Intoxicating even. And unfortunately it can greatly encourage attempts at faking it. Bitter experience will however prove that it is definitely better not to fake anything. No matter how much the temptation. But sometimes the beauty of the opposite sex leads you to want to fake it. One always wants to improve one’s status with the opposite sex and there is always the temptation to mention the profession of Marine Biologist. I’m sure we have all done it. This is the bitter sweet joy of faking it.
Of course when you move to a country town in retirement you can fake both a past life and a future life very easily.