“Tell us, tell us” chorused Sam and Frances together.
“Alright, alright – but bed as soon as I have finished”, said Grandma. “Snuggle down on the couch with the pillows between us and I’ll tell you all about a special fairy who happens to live in our garden here at 73 Benson Street, Benalla.”
“Here is the story”.
“Have you ever wondered why Grandma and Grandpa have a Flowering Gum tree in their garden, no matter where we happen to live? Well, there is a reason. You see an exceptional fairy called Ms Blossom always comes to stay in that tree. Now she is very fussy about her title – she is not Miss or Mrs but Ms Blossom and she has particular powers”.
“Where does she live in the tree?” asked Sam.
“Interesting you should ask. Most of the year she lives in the gum nuts which develop on the tree after it has flowered. Then, when the buds are forming in November and December she starts flying from one collection of buds to another, hoping their little caps will burst off and out will come the beautiful crimson flowers with their golden tips. All this usually happens just after Christmas when Ms Blossom sets up home in one of the beautful flowers. She does this so she will get the magic golden dust on her wings so she can do her spells in Grandma’s home”
“What magic is that, Grandma?” asked softly spoken Frances.
“Well, you know how Grandma often loses things in her home? The thing is, Ms Blossom also knows of this dilemma and so slips into Grandma’s home and shifts one or two things ever so slightly. Lo and behold, Grandma can see the missing item and is as happy, as happy as can be.”
“Remember when Grandma lost her gold earring with the gum tree on it? Well, I looked and looked for days and days. I’m sure Ms Blossom fixed it, because weeks later I found the missing earring on the floor in front of the dressing table. I know it wasn’t there before.”
“That is not the whole fairy story”, continued Grandma. “You know at the bottom of Grandma and Grandpa’s Flowering Gum was a pond? We have filled it in and this is the reason why. When it was a rather shallow and dirty pond a very, very naughty goblin lived in it. One day, while Ms Blossom was sleeping in her favourite gum flower this naughty goblin climbed up the tree and stole Ms Blossom’s precious dusted wings. He hid them in another part of the tree, thinking he was very clever playing a trick on Ms Blossom.”
“Now, don’t worry,” comforted Grandma. “Ms Blossom’s friend, the elf Jimmy who happens to live in the wattle tree two bushes down from Ms Blossom’s flowering gum, came to the rescue by finding Ms Blossom’s wings. Between them they glued the wings back on with magic dew drops and Ms Blossom was able to get back to her main job looking after grandma’s lost items.”
“Now, it’s time for bed my lovely ones”
“No, no!” cried Sam and Frances. “We want more stories!”
“Another day - I’ll tell you another day all about the other fairies who live in Grandma and Grandpa’s natives garden. Good night, kids. Sleep tight knowing the excellent fairies and happy pixies and elves are just outside your bedroom windows at Grandma and Grandpa’s”.