Brian introduced us to “Waterloo” which everyone seemed to enjoy as well as “Seventy-six Trombones” which is a favorite of the group.
During July we also introduced Brian Colman as a Leader for the group. Brian has a background in Musicals in the ‘90s and thought he would like to try at being a Leader in our Group. Thank you, Brian, for putting your hand up and finding different songs for us to sing.
We have been without Margaret Merriman this month as she has been in hospital with pneumonia, and then spent a fortnight in respite care at Estia Health. Marg is recovering and has moved to Freemasons for more respite care. We are hopeful that Marg will be back with us in August sometime.
Thank you to Gwen Barnes who has been accompanying our Leaders. For something different Kieran has asked members of our Singing group to take turns in choosing songs for his section of the program. Joyce Borschmann was the first to choose a series of songs.
At our third Singing for Fun for July we had a week when there were three members of our group all celebrated a birthday. Congratulations to Wendy, Rupe and Joyce.
The next Singing for Fun will be on Thursday 4 August 2022 at 10am in the Hub at Cooinda. All welcome.
Margaret Jenkins