I had worked for 16 ½ years in secure employment and felt that I was getting nowhere. So, I took the plunge and moved to an insurance career.
The results were dramatic. I was not at all suited to my new job and struggled from the word “go”.
After 12 months of frustration, and without another job to go to, I gave notice of termination of my employment. This time I had really taken the plunge.
I unsuccessfully followed up “vacancy” advertisements in the papers. I had an acquaintance who was in business as a Chartered Accountant and it occurred to me that he may have a client looking for staff. Accordingly, I contacted him and to my surprise he offered me a job with him. I gratefully accepted.
After working for him for twelve months I commenced studying accountancy by correspondence. It was a very demanding course, but after six and a half years I had qualified as a member of the Australian Society of Accountants. After a further six months I had graduated as a Chartered Accountant.
I recalled a specialist in my earlier life advising me to “study accountancy and work for yourself”. And so the time had come!
I purchased a half share in the accounting business that I was working for and remained there as a principal for over 20 years.
The venture succeeded and guaranteed me a successful career.
Ray O’Shannessy
1st April 2020