An interested group keen to 'make the most of the internet' met with new U3A tutor Ian McLeod for the first of sessions on 11 February. Terry Case introduced Ian, reinforcing to the group that Ian's course is for those keen to venture beyond basic use of the internet.
Ian engaged us in exploring the nature of the internet; web browsers, Wikipedia and YouTube to establish a shared understanding of these topics. He focused on what is available free of charge on the net, including links to international newspapers (, I-view (, SBS on demand ( and 'apps' he uses which the group might think about using, such as Adblocker to filter ads Lots of valued information was introduced along the way in response to questions and comments.
A quick survey of learning needs of members resulted in a list of topics including strategies to reduce the frustration of using the internet when living in outlying districts; WIFI (what it is and how to access it); the 'Cloud'; internet safety and security and social media. There was also some interest in how to supplement retirement income by making money using the internet! Such topics, together with Ian's own plans for the course, will make for an interesting six sessions!
Ian engaged us in exploring the nature of the internet; web browsers, Wikipedia and YouTube to establish a shared understanding of these topics. He focused on what is available free of charge on the net, including links to international newspapers (, I-view (, SBS on demand ( and 'apps' he uses which the group might think about using, such as Adblocker to filter ads Lots of valued information was introduced along the way in response to questions and comments.
A quick survey of learning needs of members resulted in a list of topics including strategies to reduce the frustration of using the internet when living in outlying districts; WIFI (what it is and how to access it); the 'Cloud'; internet safety and security and social media. There was also some interest in how to supplement retirement income by making money using the internet! Such topics, together with Ian's own plans for the course, will make for an interesting six sessions!