My maternal grandfather, Thomas Millear, who in fact was my mentor and “father”, not that my biological father was present during my life, but he was the greatest influence on my life until he died, when I was sixteen.
His advice and humanitarianism made a profound impression on me and moulded me into what I am today.
There were times that I often wondered what he was trying to pass on, but it was not until much later in life, “that the penny dropped” and all was clear!
He was the one to encourage me to participate in community service, as he did, which was very obvious, as he was always doing something for others, whether it was helping young, returned servicemen buy a farm or supplying the local school head students with a blazer, paying for country students to attend the Melbourne Lord Mayor's Camp at Portsea, buying sporting equipment for youngsters etc. This last situation was caused by his friendship with the Late Lt General Leslie Morehead, who was a teacher at the Melbourne Grammar School when he was a student there. Morehead was on the initial committee that started the camp in 1945 and from 1964 to 1968, I accompanied young boys and girls from the Riverina area and acted as troop leader for ten days during my annual holidays.
I suppose my most vivid memory of him was seeing him standing beside a commercial canning machine that he had installed in the old laundry at our home, “Deniliquin Stud Park”, meticulously overseeing the production of cans of food destined for war torn London, before immersing them in the huge copper, which always seemed to be bubbling away in the corner.
He had at the beginning of the WW2 volunteered for active duty, but due to the fact, that he was in his late 40’s and the proprietor of one of the major merino sheep studs, which was required to keep the wool industry alive, was refused, however a first war friendship with the English Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, led him to form a “Food for Britain” campaign and from 1940 until 1953, he weekly canned whatever food he could gather, not only from his own extensive garden, but friends or whoever would support his venture. I remember well the trips to town with his pallet load of food to be dropped off at the Deniliquin railway station, destined for the Melbourne wharfs.
After the war he was offered a Knighthood by King Edward V, but refused stating that, he was only doing what he could for “King and Country”.
In 1953, he and my Grandmother Ruth, made a trip back to England to catch up with friends, many being those families that his food parcels during those horrific times. However, there was one secret kept from him, for he was not one to accept accolades or commendations easily, but prior to their trip, my Uncle Ned Herring, [Lord Chief Justice of Victoria – 1944 to 1964 and Lt Governor of Victoria – 1944 to 1972] had been informed by the Lord Mayor of the City of London, that he was to have the “Keys of the City of London” bestowed upon him and this was, at all costs, to be kept from him. When the time arrived and my Grandmother regaled in telling the story, he was informed by gran, that he had to dress for dinner, that is black tie and tails, to which he replied, why, we are only going down to the hotel’s dining room!!! She then informed him that they were invited out for dinner this night and a car would be there to collect them shortly, “End of story” as far as gran was concerned!!
Well, you most probably can guess the rest, the said vehicle collected them and conveyed them to the London Guild’s Hall, where they were greeted by the Lord Mayor and Councillors and as they say in the classics, “The rests history”.
There are so many other instances of life growing up with this giant of a man, he was a lateral thinker, who definitely looked outside the square so to speak and this was shown by his actions after the first world war.
For in 1918 my grandfather Thomas Millear hadn’t come directly home from the first war, for during the Battle of Passchendaele near Ypres, he was badly gassed with Mustard gas, which led to his repatriation to a hospital in London and upon his release he was invalided with the Lady Randolph Churchill’s, mother of Winston Churchill, for she and her late husband Lord Randolph Churchill, had been close friends of my Great Grandfather.
After his recovery, he chose to further his education in the wool industry by spending several years working with the woollen industry in Yorkshire, especially in and around the Bradford area. His claim was, that any wool producer, if they wanted to really learn about the product they produced, should go to the end source of their product and learn what the trade required of them in the production of wool. He also felt as that he was close to the mills etc at that period [1918] that purchased Australian wool; he should make the effort in learning more about his industry.
Where do you end when writing about the person who helped shape me, it’s always a conundrum, but I guess with brevity in mind, this would be as good as ever!!!!
David Lowing
April 24, 2021
His advice and humanitarianism made a profound impression on me and moulded me into what I am today.
There were times that I often wondered what he was trying to pass on, but it was not until much later in life, “that the penny dropped” and all was clear!
He was the one to encourage me to participate in community service, as he did, which was very obvious, as he was always doing something for others, whether it was helping young, returned servicemen buy a farm or supplying the local school head students with a blazer, paying for country students to attend the Melbourne Lord Mayor's Camp at Portsea, buying sporting equipment for youngsters etc. This last situation was caused by his friendship with the Late Lt General Leslie Morehead, who was a teacher at the Melbourne Grammar School when he was a student there. Morehead was on the initial committee that started the camp in 1945 and from 1964 to 1968, I accompanied young boys and girls from the Riverina area and acted as troop leader for ten days during my annual holidays.
I suppose my most vivid memory of him was seeing him standing beside a commercial canning machine that he had installed in the old laundry at our home, “Deniliquin Stud Park”, meticulously overseeing the production of cans of food destined for war torn London, before immersing them in the huge copper, which always seemed to be bubbling away in the corner.
He had at the beginning of the WW2 volunteered for active duty, but due to the fact, that he was in his late 40’s and the proprietor of one of the major merino sheep studs, which was required to keep the wool industry alive, was refused, however a first war friendship with the English Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, led him to form a “Food for Britain” campaign and from 1940 until 1953, he weekly canned whatever food he could gather, not only from his own extensive garden, but friends or whoever would support his venture. I remember well the trips to town with his pallet load of food to be dropped off at the Deniliquin railway station, destined for the Melbourne wharfs.
After the war he was offered a Knighthood by King Edward V, but refused stating that, he was only doing what he could for “King and Country”.
In 1953, he and my Grandmother Ruth, made a trip back to England to catch up with friends, many being those families that his food parcels during those horrific times. However, there was one secret kept from him, for he was not one to accept accolades or commendations easily, but prior to their trip, my Uncle Ned Herring, [Lord Chief Justice of Victoria – 1944 to 1964 and Lt Governor of Victoria – 1944 to 1972] had been informed by the Lord Mayor of the City of London, that he was to have the “Keys of the City of London” bestowed upon him and this was, at all costs, to be kept from him. When the time arrived and my Grandmother regaled in telling the story, he was informed by gran, that he had to dress for dinner, that is black tie and tails, to which he replied, why, we are only going down to the hotel’s dining room!!! She then informed him that they were invited out for dinner this night and a car would be there to collect them shortly, “End of story” as far as gran was concerned!!
Well, you most probably can guess the rest, the said vehicle collected them and conveyed them to the London Guild’s Hall, where they were greeted by the Lord Mayor and Councillors and as they say in the classics, “The rests history”.
There are so many other instances of life growing up with this giant of a man, he was a lateral thinker, who definitely looked outside the square so to speak and this was shown by his actions after the first world war.
For in 1918 my grandfather Thomas Millear hadn’t come directly home from the first war, for during the Battle of Passchendaele near Ypres, he was badly gassed with Mustard gas, which led to his repatriation to a hospital in London and upon his release he was invalided with the Lady Randolph Churchill’s, mother of Winston Churchill, for she and her late husband Lord Randolph Churchill, had been close friends of my Great Grandfather.
After his recovery, he chose to further his education in the wool industry by spending several years working with the woollen industry in Yorkshire, especially in and around the Bradford area. His claim was, that any wool producer, if they wanted to really learn about the product they produced, should go to the end source of their product and learn what the trade required of them in the production of wool. He also felt as that he was close to the mills etc at that period [1918] that purchased Australian wool; he should make the effort in learning more about his industry.
Where do you end when writing about the person who helped shape me, it’s always a conundrum, but I guess with brevity in mind, this would be as good as ever!!!!
David Lowing
April 24, 2021
To add to David's introduction last session and demonstrate the impact of his grandfather, Thomas Millear's, impact on his life, David's personal profile is appended below. It provides the most amazing picture of David's own contribution in terms of Community Service over the last 60 years or so. .... Click on 'read more' below to proceed...
David Lowing’s Profile: DOB: 10/01/1947
My wife is Cheryle: I have two children, from a former marriage, Andrew and Samantha and have two grandchildren, Toby and Rachel, three step children, Jamie, Rod and Louise and three step grandchildren, Evander, Gabby and Barney. My education, both Primary and Secondary, was at Geelong College 1957 to 1963 and Tertiary at University of Ballarat 2003/04/05: Sheep and Wool Science.
I have worked in the Rural Industry since 1964, operating a successful Sheep and Wool Consulting company and still maintain a small interest. My fields of employment have been in Breeding and Marketing of Stud Sheep in a number of Sheep breeds [I’m a 5th Generation Stud Merino Breeder, as my Great Great Grandfather purchased the Wanganella Merino Stud from the George and Frederick Peppin in 1878] and Cattle, both Beef and Dairy and have also been involved with Irrigation Cereal and Rice Growing as well as Hay and Small Seed Production and dry land Cereal growing.
Life’s interests:
*I have been involved with community service, since my teenage years [1962], firstly with fund raising for various community groups, i.e. Freedom from Hunger, Red Cross, St Vincent de Paul & the Salvation Army.
*After leaving school in 1963, I became a Group Leader for the Melbourne Lord Mayor’s Camp at Portsea, a well known holiday camp for under privileged young people, and for the next
5 years I regularly took control of many groups at the camp; hence my long association with
the younger generation began.
*I also became interested in politics and became the inaugural President of the Western Riverina Young Liberals branch, as well as State Young Liberal Council and became the Liberal State Secretary for the Electorate of Murray, as well as being involved with my father the late David B Lowing OAM in the late Donald McKay campaign as the Liberal candidate in the Federal Electorate of Riverina.
*After joining Lions 201 V2 Cabinet in 2000, I relinquished my Political activities, as they contravened the Ethics of Lionism.
*Over the next decade, I mainly set up my business interests, playing competition, soccer, cricket, tennis and golf. I have worked and have been involved in the rural industry all my life, so hence became involved with local and state agricultural show societies, for many years I was a Councillor of the Royal Agricultural Society of Victoria and am a Life Member of the Deniliquin Pastoral & Agricultural Society and a Gold member of the Ballarat Agricultural and Pastoral Society.
*A long time interest of mine has been the care and nurture of Developmentally Disabled Persons and in the early 1980’s, I was invited to join the board of directors [Voluntary] at the
“Yallambie”, a sheltered workshop in Deniliquin, during my term as director, a period of eight years, we set up, several group homes, and work orientated programmes, with the main aim to give as much independence and self worth to the clients. Unfortunately, I had to resign my directorship due to my move from Deniliquin to Lake Bolac.
*After moving to Ararat, in 2004, I became a volunteer with the Victorian Department of Justice’s, Council of Multiculturism and Youth and the Victorian Office of the Public Advocate, this involves being an Advocate during Police interviews with Youth and the Cognitively Disabled, of which I attended forty plus interviews annually over a 10 year period.
*In my fifteen years residing in the Lake Bolac, I became a member of the Scots Uniting Church’s Property Board and held both the positions of Chairman and Treasurer in the fifteen years I was a Board member, I was also a member of the five churches Parish Council for five years, with its Chairman for the last three.
*I was a member of the NSW Rural Fire Service [Wandook & Coonong Brigades] from 1964 to 1989 and then transferred to the Country Fire Association in 1989; I was a member of the Wickliffe Brigade from 1989 until 2004.
*From 1996 until 2005, as a Sheep and Wool Committee member & then Councillor of the Royal Agricultural Society of Victoria, I was responsible for the running of the Schools Competion at the Royal Show and later during my term, I was responsible for the RASV Fleece Competition.
*I was also an Executive Committee member of the Australian Stud Sheep Breeders Association [Victorian Branch], in which role I coordinated many Novice and Young Sheep Breeders Seminars.
*For many years, I was on the National British Long Wool Judging panel and judged British Long wool Breeds, Corriedales, Polworths and Merinos in Australia and Internationally.
*In 2006, I joined the Grampians Vintage Vehicle Club and become the Secretary from 2012 to 2016 and after moving to Mount Eliza in 2016, I formed the Northern Penisula Classic Car Club and became the inaugural President in 2017.
*I also serve on the East Grampians Health Service’s Aged Care Auxiliary from 2010 to 2016.
1964 to 1967: Camp Leader at the Melbourne Lord Mayor’s Portsea youth camp.
1984 to 1992: Board Member of “Yallambie” Cognitive Disability Group Homes & Training Centre in Deniliquin.
2006/2016: Independent Third Person with the Office of the Victorian Public Advocate.
2006/2016: Victorian Council of Multiculturism and Youth - Youth Referral Independent Person Programme.
2007: The Victorian State Government Award for Service with the Office of the Public Advocate in the field of Disability and the Council of Multicultiurism and Youth in the field of
Youth Services. Presented by Deputy Premier John Thwaites:
My wife is Cheryle: I have two children, from a former marriage, Andrew and Samantha and have two grandchildren, Toby and Rachel, three step children, Jamie, Rod and Louise and three step grandchildren, Evander, Gabby and Barney. My education, both Primary and Secondary, was at Geelong College 1957 to 1963 and Tertiary at University of Ballarat 2003/04/05: Sheep and Wool Science.
I have worked in the Rural Industry since 1964, operating a successful Sheep and Wool Consulting company and still maintain a small interest. My fields of employment have been in Breeding and Marketing of Stud Sheep in a number of Sheep breeds [I’m a 5th Generation Stud Merino Breeder, as my Great Great Grandfather purchased the Wanganella Merino Stud from the George and Frederick Peppin in 1878] and Cattle, both Beef and Dairy and have also been involved with Irrigation Cereal and Rice Growing as well as Hay and Small Seed Production and dry land Cereal growing.
Life’s interests:
*I have been involved with community service, since my teenage years [1962], firstly with fund raising for various community groups, i.e. Freedom from Hunger, Red Cross, St Vincent de Paul & the Salvation Army.
*After leaving school in 1963, I became a Group Leader for the Melbourne Lord Mayor’s Camp at Portsea, a well known holiday camp for under privileged young people, and for the next
5 years I regularly took control of many groups at the camp; hence my long association with
the younger generation began.
*I also became interested in politics and became the inaugural President of the Western Riverina Young Liberals branch, as well as State Young Liberal Council and became the Liberal State Secretary for the Electorate of Murray, as well as being involved with my father the late David B Lowing OAM in the late Donald McKay campaign as the Liberal candidate in the Federal Electorate of Riverina.
*After joining Lions 201 V2 Cabinet in 2000, I relinquished my Political activities, as they contravened the Ethics of Lionism.
*Over the next decade, I mainly set up my business interests, playing competition, soccer, cricket, tennis and golf. I have worked and have been involved in the rural industry all my life, so hence became involved with local and state agricultural show societies, for many years I was a Councillor of the Royal Agricultural Society of Victoria and am a Life Member of the Deniliquin Pastoral & Agricultural Society and a Gold member of the Ballarat Agricultural and Pastoral Society.
*A long time interest of mine has been the care and nurture of Developmentally Disabled Persons and in the early 1980’s, I was invited to join the board of directors [Voluntary] at the
“Yallambie”, a sheltered workshop in Deniliquin, during my term as director, a period of eight years, we set up, several group homes, and work orientated programmes, with the main aim to give as much independence and self worth to the clients. Unfortunately, I had to resign my directorship due to my move from Deniliquin to Lake Bolac.
*After moving to Ararat, in 2004, I became a volunteer with the Victorian Department of Justice’s, Council of Multiculturism and Youth and the Victorian Office of the Public Advocate, this involves being an Advocate during Police interviews with Youth and the Cognitively Disabled, of which I attended forty plus interviews annually over a 10 year period.
*In my fifteen years residing in the Lake Bolac, I became a member of the Scots Uniting Church’s Property Board and held both the positions of Chairman and Treasurer in the fifteen years I was a Board member, I was also a member of the five churches Parish Council for five years, with its Chairman for the last three.
*I was a member of the NSW Rural Fire Service [Wandook & Coonong Brigades] from 1964 to 1989 and then transferred to the Country Fire Association in 1989; I was a member of the Wickliffe Brigade from 1989 until 2004.
*From 1996 until 2005, as a Sheep and Wool Committee member & then Councillor of the Royal Agricultural Society of Victoria, I was responsible for the running of the Schools Competion at the Royal Show and later during my term, I was responsible for the RASV Fleece Competition.
*I was also an Executive Committee member of the Australian Stud Sheep Breeders Association [Victorian Branch], in which role I coordinated many Novice and Young Sheep Breeders Seminars.
*For many years, I was on the National British Long Wool Judging panel and judged British Long wool Breeds, Corriedales, Polworths and Merinos in Australia and Internationally.
*In 2006, I joined the Grampians Vintage Vehicle Club and become the Secretary from 2012 to 2016 and after moving to Mount Eliza in 2016, I formed the Northern Penisula Classic Car Club and became the inaugural President in 2017.
*I also serve on the East Grampians Health Service’s Aged Care Auxiliary from 2010 to 2016.
1964 to 1967: Camp Leader at the Melbourne Lord Mayor’s Portsea youth camp.
1984 to 1992: Board Member of “Yallambie” Cognitive Disability Group Homes & Training Centre in Deniliquin.
2006/2016: Independent Third Person with the Office of the Victorian Public Advocate.
2006/2016: Victorian Council of Multiculturism and Youth - Youth Referral Independent Person Programme.
2007: The Victorian State Government Award for Service with the Office of the Public Advocate in the field of Disability and the Council of Multicultiurism and Youth in the field of
Youth Services. Presented by Deputy Premier John Thwaites:
1984 to 1992: Life Member and Committee member of the Deniliquin Pastoral & Agricultural Society.
1984 to 1992: NSW Corriedale Classer and stud Advisor
1968 to 2007: Member & Committee Member of the Australian Border Leicester Association.
1979 to 1984: Committee member of the Jerilderie Pastoral & Agricultural Society & Chief Steward of the British Breed section.
1996/2008: Member of the RASV Sheep and Wool Committee.
1998/2008: Councillor of the Royal Agricultural Society of Victoria,
Chairman of the Wool & Fleece Sub Committee.
1998/2008: Coordinating Councillor in charge of the Schools Competition, Royal Melbourne Show.
1990 to 2004: Committee Member of the Ballarat Sheep Show & Ram Sale.
1990 to 2002: Committee Member of the Southern Victorian Merino Field Day Group.
2001 & 2002: Secretary
1998/2008: Executive Member of the Australian Stud Sheep Breeders Association.
2005/2008: Coordinator of the A.S.S.B.A, Young & Novice sheep breeders’ seminars.
2006/2008: Victorian State Delegate to the Federal ASSBA Council.
1978 to 1989: Member of the Jerilderie Racing Club’s Committee of Management, with 11 years, being the Club’s Bookmakers Steward.
1972 to 1985: Foundation member of the Yanko Creek Bush Picnic Committee
Treasurer from 1976 to 1983
V. Pres in 1984 & 85.
1968/69/70: Foundation President of the Deniliquin Young Liberal Branch [Western Riverina].
1969: Western Riverina Delegate to the State Council of the NSW Young Liberals.
1969/70: NSW Liberal Party State Electoral Secretary, Electorate of Murray.
1989/98: Committee Member of the Lake Bolac/Willaura Liberal Party Branch
1996/97/98 President of the Branch.
1970 to 1983: Member of the Yanko Creek Cricket Club
1979 to 1983: President
1993 to 2000: Committee Member Lake Bolac Golf Club.
1996/97/98: Secretary
2010 to 2016: East Grampians Health Service Aged Care Auxiliary.
1962 & 1963: Fund Raiser for Save the Children’s Fund & Donation collector for Red Cross, St Vincent de Paul & the Salvation Army.
1964 to 2004: Member of the NSW Rural Fire Brigades and the CFA.
1984 Onwards: Member of the Masonic Lodge as a Master Mason.
1990 to 2004: President, Treasurer & Board member of “The Scots Church”, Lake Bolac.
1993 to 2000; Board member of the 5 church congregations Lake Bolac Parish
1998/99/2000: Parish Board Chairman.
2006 to 2010: Sponsorship & Publicity organiser of the Ararat Jailhouse Rock Festival Committee.
2006 Onwards: Member of the Grampians Vintage Vehicle Club
2013/14/15/16 Club Secretary
2017/18 : Inaugural President and Membership Officer of the Northern Peninsula Classic Car Club Inc.
Joined Lions in April 1994 at Lake Bolac transferred to Ararat January 2005, Willaura
January 2014, McCrae in July 2016 [Now an Assoc member], Mt Eliza in July 2017 [Now an Assoc member] and Benalla, March 2018.
1994/1995: Social Director
1996/97: 1st Vice President
1997/98 & 1998/99: President.
1999/00 & 2000/01: Membership Chairman
1999/00 & 2000/01: Secretary.
2001/02, 2002/03, 2003/04 & 2004/05: Treasurer.
2000/01, 2001/02, 2002/03, 2003/04 & 2004/05: Club Lion Eye Health Programme Director.
During these years, we had the Lake Bolac and District, eye tested twice. As well as organising
three successful Sight, Diabetes & Men’s Health Seminars.
2012/13: 1st Vice President
2005 to 2014: Youth Director
2006/07: Welfare & Safety Officer.
2010/11/12/13: Lions Literacy Programme in conjunction with the Childrens Charity Network.
2014/15 to 2015/16: Youth Director & Lions Literacy Programme
2016, 17 & 18 -Youth Director Lions Literacy Programme
2017/18-Youth Director
2018/19 & 2019/20 – Secretary.
2020/21 – 2nd Vice President
201 V2
2000/01 & 2001/02: Zone Chairman – Zone 9
2002/03: Region Chairman – Region 4
2003/04: DC Youth Exchange
2004/05: District Chairman - Extension.
2005/06, 2006/07: LCIF Coordinator
2007/08 & 2008/09: D.C Youth Exchange.
2009/10: Region Chairman – Region 4
2009/10: 2nd Vice District Governor and District Chairman for Australian Lions Foundation &
Victorian Lions Foundation.
2010/11: 1st Vice District Governor & District Chairman for Australian Lions Childrens Cancer Research Foundation
2011/12: District Governor & District Leos Chairman
2011/12, 2012/13, 2013/14, 2014/15 & 2015/16: IPDG & District Chairman Leos, Leo Extension
& Young Leaders in Service.
2014/15: Zone Chairman-Zone 9
201 V3:
2016/17/18: District Chairman for Lions Foundations and Grant Resource.
2004/05 & 2005/06: Youth Exchange Programme Chairman for the
Scandinavia/U. K [inbound & outbound] & Host Family Coordinator.
2006/07, 2007/08: Youth Exchange Programme Chairman – Scandinavia/U. K [inbound],
Indonesia, Malaysia, District to District & International Youth Camps.
2009 to 2013: Victorian Lions Foundation Board Member.
2012/13: Vice Chairman – Victorian Lions Foundation
2011/12: District Governor 201 V2 - Member of the 19-person Multiple District Council & DC for Leos.
2013 to 2018: Victorian Assistant State Leos Coordinator.
2017 onwards: Ambassador for the Australian Lions Childrens Cancer Foundation.
2018 to 2021: Victorian State Leos Coordinator.
2002: International Senior Lions Leadership Institute – Taupo, New Zealand.
2005: Certified Guiding Lion Programme – Hong Kong International Convention.
2011: DG’s training – Seattle, Washington. USA
In March 2004, he was invited by D.G Jim Pollitt to address the M.D 202E’s Convention in
Christchurch, N.Z, on Youth Exchange, Leos & Youth Programmes and what they mean, as well as the benefits it provides the young people of the world.
But I believe that my main highlights as a Lion to date have been my involvement in Youth
Exchange, especially with the fact that M.D V2 hosted 25% + of all M.D 201 hosting’s in
2003/04 & 2007/08, being one of the Top 10 Youth Exchange Chairman in Lions Clubs
International in both years [Top 10 Award].
And as Lions Eye Health Programme Director at Lake Bolac, organised for the population of
Lake Bolac and District to be totally tested twice for Glaucoma & Diabetic Retinopathy in the
5 year period, 2000 to 2004 as well as 3 successful Sight, Diabetes & Men’s Health Seminars.
Whilst Youth Director at the Lions Clubs of Ararat, Willaura & McCrae, the organisation of a Lions Literacy Programme that over the seven years of its existence, allowed over 4000 students in 13 Primary/Secondary Schools, within the Rural City of Ararat and the Mornington Penisula, the opportunity to participate in Literacy Workshops, instructed by top Australian Children’s Authors.
On an International level, the fund raising inorder to build a primary school near Vequiqie in East Timor and as DG the support and financial aid of a Well Project in Cambodia.
On a personal level, my financing of a house for a mother of two, in Cambodia, who was regularly assaulted by her husband.
David has spent the last fifty nine years totally involved with volunteering & community
service, covering many fields, including Community Service Organisations,International Humanitarian Projects, Youth & Developmental Disabilities Services, Sporting Organisations and Service to Agriculture, at Local, State, National and International levels.
Melvin Jones Fellow
Nine International Presidents Awards including the International Presidents Medal of Merit, from International President Naresh Aggarwal in 2017-18
Lions Clubs International DG’s Excellence Awards from LCI President Wing-Kun Tam in 2011-12
for Extension Award, both for Lions Clubs and Leo Clubs, Family Membership Award, Female Membership Award and Overall District Population Award.
First Believers Award President Wing-Kun Tam in 2011-12
Lions Clubs International Lions Leadership Award [Lighting the Path]: LCI President J Frank Moore
3rd. 2002
Lions CIubs International Lions Eye Health Award: LCI Past President Ashok Mehta. 2004
Lions Clubs International Youth Exchange World Top Ten Award 2003/04 & 2007/08
Two District Governors Star Awards: 2003/04 & 2007/08
Lions Club International Lions Opportunities for Youth Award 2008
District Youth Leadership Award 2007/08 & 2013/14
Ambassador for the Australian Lions Childrens Cancer Research Foundation
Sixteen District Governors Appreciation Awards:
Lions Clubs International Certified Guiding Lion Award. 2005
Seven Key Membership Awards: Lions Clubs International.
Two MD 201 Youth Exchange Excellent Awards in 2003/04 & 2007/08.
CLUB Awards:
2018: ALCCRF Award
1984 to 1992: Life Member and Committee member of the Deniliquin Pastoral & Agricultural Society.
1984 to 1992: NSW Corriedale Classer and stud Advisor
1968 to 2007: Member & Committee Member of the Australian Border Leicester Association.
1979 to 1984: Committee member of the Jerilderie Pastoral & Agricultural Society & Chief Steward of the British Breed section.
1996/2008: Member of the RASV Sheep and Wool Committee.
1998/2008: Councillor of the Royal Agricultural Society of Victoria,
Chairman of the Wool & Fleece Sub Committee.
1998/2008: Coordinating Councillor in charge of the Schools Competition, Royal Melbourne Show.
1990 to 2004: Committee Member of the Ballarat Sheep Show & Ram Sale.
1990 to 2002: Committee Member of the Southern Victorian Merino Field Day Group.
2001 & 2002: Secretary
1998/2008: Executive Member of the Australian Stud Sheep Breeders Association.
2005/2008: Coordinator of the A.S.S.B.A, Young & Novice sheep breeders’ seminars.
2006/2008: Victorian State Delegate to the Federal ASSBA Council.
1978 to 1989: Member of the Jerilderie Racing Club’s Committee of Management, with 11 years, being the Club’s Bookmakers Steward.
1972 to 1985: Foundation member of the Yanko Creek Bush Picnic Committee
Treasurer from 1976 to 1983
V. Pres in 1984 & 85.
1968/69/70: Foundation President of the Deniliquin Young Liberal Branch [Western Riverina].
1969: Western Riverina Delegate to the State Council of the NSW Young Liberals.
1969/70: NSW Liberal Party State Electoral Secretary, Electorate of Murray.
1989/98: Committee Member of the Lake Bolac/Willaura Liberal Party Branch
1996/97/98 President of the Branch.
1970 to 1983: Member of the Yanko Creek Cricket Club
1979 to 1983: President
1993 to 2000: Committee Member Lake Bolac Golf Club.
1996/97/98: Secretary
2010 to 2016: East Grampians Health Service Aged Care Auxiliary.
1962 & 1963: Fund Raiser for Save the Children’s Fund & Donation collector for Red Cross, St Vincent de Paul & the Salvation Army.
1964 to 2004: Member of the NSW Rural Fire Brigades and the CFA.
1984 Onwards: Member of the Masonic Lodge as a Master Mason.
1990 to 2004: President, Treasurer & Board member of “The Scots Church”, Lake Bolac.
1993 to 2000; Board member of the 5 church congregations Lake Bolac Parish
1998/99/2000: Parish Board Chairman.
2006 to 2010: Sponsorship & Publicity organiser of the Ararat Jailhouse Rock Festival Committee.
2006 Onwards: Member of the Grampians Vintage Vehicle Club
2013/14/15/16 Club Secretary
2017/18 : Inaugural President and Membership Officer of the Northern Peninsula Classic Car Club Inc.
Joined Lions in April 1994 at Lake Bolac transferred to Ararat January 2005, Willaura
January 2014, McCrae in July 2016 [Now an Assoc member], Mt Eliza in July 2017 [Now an Assoc member] and Benalla, March 2018.
1994/1995: Social Director
1996/97: 1st Vice President
1997/98 & 1998/99: President.
1999/00 & 2000/01: Membership Chairman
1999/00 & 2000/01: Secretary.
2001/02, 2002/03, 2003/04 & 2004/05: Treasurer.
2000/01, 2001/02, 2002/03, 2003/04 & 2004/05: Club Lion Eye Health Programme Director.
During these years, we had the Lake Bolac and District, eye tested twice. As well as organising
three successful Sight, Diabetes & Men’s Health Seminars.
2012/13: 1st Vice President
2005 to 2014: Youth Director
2006/07: Welfare & Safety Officer.
2010/11/12/13: Lions Literacy Programme in conjunction with the Childrens Charity Network.
2014/15 to 2015/16: Youth Director & Lions Literacy Programme
2016, 17 & 18 -Youth Director Lions Literacy Programme
2017/18-Youth Director
2018/19 & 2019/20 – Secretary.
2020/21 – 2nd Vice President
201 V2
2000/01 & 2001/02: Zone Chairman – Zone 9
2002/03: Region Chairman – Region 4
2003/04: DC Youth Exchange
2004/05: District Chairman - Extension.
2005/06, 2006/07: LCIF Coordinator
2007/08 & 2008/09: D.C Youth Exchange.
2009/10: Region Chairman – Region 4
2009/10: 2nd Vice District Governor and District Chairman for Australian Lions Foundation &
Victorian Lions Foundation.
2010/11: 1st Vice District Governor & District Chairman for Australian Lions Childrens Cancer Research Foundation
2011/12: District Governor & District Leos Chairman
2011/12, 2012/13, 2013/14, 2014/15 & 2015/16: IPDG & District Chairman Leos, Leo Extension
& Young Leaders in Service.
2014/15: Zone Chairman-Zone 9
201 V3:
2016/17/18: District Chairman for Lions Foundations and Grant Resource.
2004/05 & 2005/06: Youth Exchange Programme Chairman for the
Scandinavia/U. K [inbound & outbound] & Host Family Coordinator.
2006/07, 2007/08: Youth Exchange Programme Chairman – Scandinavia/U. K [inbound],
Indonesia, Malaysia, District to District & International Youth Camps.
2009 to 2013: Victorian Lions Foundation Board Member.
2012/13: Vice Chairman – Victorian Lions Foundation
2011/12: District Governor 201 V2 - Member of the 19-person Multiple District Council & DC for Leos.
2013 to 2018: Victorian Assistant State Leos Coordinator.
2017 onwards: Ambassador for the Australian Lions Childrens Cancer Foundation.
2018 to 2021: Victorian State Leos Coordinator.
2002: International Senior Lions Leadership Institute – Taupo, New Zealand.
2005: Certified Guiding Lion Programme – Hong Kong International Convention.
2011: DG’s training – Seattle, Washington. USA
In March 2004, he was invited by D.G Jim Pollitt to address the M.D 202E’s Convention in
Christchurch, N.Z, on Youth Exchange, Leos & Youth Programmes and what they mean, as well as the benefits it provides the young people of the world.
But I believe that my main highlights as a Lion to date have been my involvement in Youth
Exchange, especially with the fact that M.D V2 hosted 25% + of all M.D 201 hosting’s in
2003/04 & 2007/08, being one of the Top 10 Youth Exchange Chairman in Lions Clubs
International in both years [Top 10 Award].
And as Lions Eye Health Programme Director at Lake Bolac, organised for the population of
Lake Bolac and District to be totally tested twice for Glaucoma & Diabetic Retinopathy in the
5 year period, 2000 to 2004 as well as 3 successful Sight, Diabetes & Men’s Health Seminars.
Whilst Youth Director at the Lions Clubs of Ararat, Willaura & McCrae, the organisation of a Lions Literacy Programme that over the seven years of its existence, allowed over 4000 students in 13 Primary/Secondary Schools, within the Rural City of Ararat and the Mornington Penisula, the opportunity to participate in Literacy Workshops, instructed by top Australian Children’s Authors.
On an International level, the fund raising inorder to build a primary school near Vequiqie in East Timor and as DG the support and financial aid of a Well Project in Cambodia.
On a personal level, my financing of a house for a mother of two, in Cambodia, who was regularly assaulted by her husband.
David has spent the last fifty nine years totally involved with volunteering & community
service, covering many fields, including Community Service Organisations,International Humanitarian Projects, Youth & Developmental Disabilities Services, Sporting Organisations and Service to Agriculture, at Local, State, National and International levels.
Melvin Jones Fellow
Nine International Presidents Awards including the International Presidents Medal of Merit, from International President Naresh Aggarwal in 2017-18
Lions Clubs International DG’s Excellence Awards from LCI President Wing-Kun Tam in 2011-12
for Extension Award, both for Lions Clubs and Leo Clubs, Family Membership Award, Female Membership Award and Overall District Population Award.
First Believers Award President Wing-Kun Tam in 2011-12
Lions Clubs International Lions Leadership Award [Lighting the Path]: LCI President J Frank Moore
3rd. 2002
Lions CIubs International Lions Eye Health Award: LCI Past President Ashok Mehta. 2004
Lions Clubs International Youth Exchange World Top Ten Award 2003/04 & 2007/08
Two District Governors Star Awards: 2003/04 & 2007/08
Lions Club International Lions Opportunities for Youth Award 2008
District Youth Leadership Award 2007/08 & 2013/14
Ambassador for the Australian Lions Childrens Cancer Research Foundation
Sixteen District Governors Appreciation Awards:
Lions Clubs International Certified Guiding Lion Award. 2005
Seven Key Membership Awards: Lions Clubs International.
Two MD 201 Youth Exchange Excellent Awards in 2003/04 & 2007/08.
CLUB Awards:
2018: ALCCRF Award
2007: The Victorian State Government Award for Disability Services. Presented by Deputy Premier John Thwaites.
David’s mantra is very simple:
“Don’t ask what humanity can do for you, but simply ask what you can do for humanity, for those who care, give and share”.
“Don’t ask what humanity can do for you, but simply ask what you can do for humanity, for those who care, give and share”.