The exercise area was empty due to the corona virus outbreak.
Red and white striped tape issued a warning, that using it is banned.
All restrictions put in place are much the same across the lands.
This curse called corona, or COVID 19 to use its scientific name
Has spread its invisible tentacles as it plays its lethal game.
Few now walk the streets without some justification,
As everyone must do their bit to stop this infestation.
We must practise social distancing and be aware of good hygiene
Sanitizing or washing hands with soap and water is a safe routine.
For those in nonessential jobs we must stay home in isolation,
But we can all help each other make the most of this situation.
And besides, think of all those nuisance jobs that can be done.
Or get yourself a dose of natural vitamin D, by relaxing in the sun.
Flying solo can get difficult for those who are living home alone,
But there is Skype, Face time, Zoom and of course the telephone.
Now that we are almost through the tunnel, there is light ahead,
The fear is gradually fading and being replaced with hope instead.
So, as I leave the lake behind me and my home is within my sight
I believe we’ll have our freedom and the world will win the fight.
And all the tapes will be removed as we reclaim our rightful space.
So once again together we can mix and mingle,... and embrace.
Betty Milligan
This poem was written for Creative Writing and for publishing in a future newsletter, but definitely has a place in 'Betty's stories' for 'As Time Goes By'.