Now we are starting to regain normality, but only slowly at the moment. We are going to have to wait until the Benalla Rural City Council opens the Seniors Building before we get back to face to face classes.
It has been suggested that two Be Connected groups might be worthwhile when we return. The first group are our U3A Benalla members who have developed basic skills in using their device, but want to expand their knowledge and be able to do more things on them. They have seen the benefit of using Skype, WhatsApp and Face Time and perhaps have started using Zoom for communicating with family.
The second group are those U3A members and others in the Community who have yet to acquire digital skills. Some of these people have heard about U3A digital classes for beginners run by Jenny Sawyer and have indicated that want to join them when face to face groups recommence.
So at the moment, look after yourselves and we hope we can resume U3A Be Connected again soon.
Margaret Jenkins