This phrase can never be achieved. Is there such a thing as Right Here Right now?
There is no Right Here Right Now. The moment always passes - immediately.
Time is never still. It is always racing along at 60 minutes to the hour. 60 seconds to the minute. Like light it passes at a set rate. It cannot be speeded up or slowed down.
Or so it was thought until Einstein.
Einstein postulated that time could be changed slightly by bending light and this proved to be true.
Objects that travel great distances through space pass through space where gravity has bent light. This causes a slight change in time.
Maybe it could be possible to study time in nano seconds and the effect every nano second or part nano second has on light and time.
Maybe we can try and bend it further by studying the changes in light in nano seconds.
All elements have an atomic clock. Carbon’s atomic clock is quite accessible and is incredibly precise. It is not possible however to study carbon dating in nano seconds but it is one area that could be researched.
Quantum theory is concerned with the very small. Normal laws of physics do not apply. Gravity does not apply. Other mysterious practices happen. Like entangling.
Quantum theory does not comply with the normal laws of physics.
If time could be slowed down to nano speed maybe it could be incorporated into quantum theory.
If we research the changes that take place in nano seconds we could come to a new understanding of time and space.
It is counter intuitive but all objects are mostly space. The objects spread within that space are the building blocks of the universe. Time has no effect in this world.
The world is composed of what is called building blocks. These are small items that go to make up atoms.
We should try and incorporate nano time into quantum theory and see if it can have any effect.
Neville Gibb
November 2024