After walking for about 3 hours, I was about 20 miles along the shores of Lake George when I was picked up by a Protestant priest. He had two young girls with him who he introduced as his daughters. I was carrying my worldly possessions in a small suitcase which the priest put in the back. He asked me where I was going. I said "Sydney"; he asked me "Why?". I said I had run away from home and would never go back. He did not ask any more questions.
The priest dropped me at Goulburn in NSW, nearly halfway to Sydney, at a service station where I bought a coke because I was thirsty. Evening was fast approaching, so I started to hitch hike, hoping to get a ride.
No luck. Night was falling, and I was about 4 miles out of town. No houses, no lights, no cars. What to do? It was a cold night.
I looked around and saw a large tree. Climbing the fence, I decided I would sleep there the night under cover, it didn’t look like rain. I took some of the clothes out of the suitcase and put them on. I was very warm
I am not sure what time it was. It was very dark. I heard snuffling sounds. Very scared, I curled up tight. Maybe a kangaroo? ... I don't know. I covered my head and tried to sleep.
More noises... very, very scared ... rustling sounds. “What is it???” Eventually the sounds went away. I fell into a very tired sleep.
Day light came. I looked around and saw I had climbed into a paddock full of cows who had come to investigate the strange goings on. I thought "Hope there is no bull!"
I took off my extra clothes, climbed back over the fence, put my thumb out and continued to hitch hike.
My next ride, about an hour later, was with a woman who said she was going to Marrickville in Sydney. Would that suit me? I said, "That is where I want to go". I am guessing we arrived in Marrickville at about lunch time. I remember lots of traffic, noise, people was very busy, very scary.
Eventually I gathered enough courage to ask if there was any accommodation nearby. One man said there was a place called 'The Hubb' which was for men only. I found the place and asked for a room. £1 (One Pound) per week, no food, no grog, no visitors, no knives or guns allowed.
I moved in, asking where I could buy something to eat.
A man dressed in lady's clothing standing in the kitchen asked me what I was doing there. I told him I was looking for work. I had never seen a man in such clothes. He, she, was confusing me. I asked him why he was dressed like that, as I’d assumed The Hubb was ‘mens' only’ accommodation. He said he liked to be dressed like that. This made no sense to me. He also said The Hubb was home to alcoholics, drug addicts and unemployed men and that I should be very careful. …
... To be continued ...
Lou Sigmund
15 July 2024